Poe Spell Damage And Chaos Dmg Vs Chaos Dmg

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So what exactly is the difference
If using let's say a fire skill and got 1 item of either 10% spell or elemental increase the damage increase would be the same of either of them right??
And playing as a Witch is your normal attack considered to be a 'Spell' attack with a wand or elemental?
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:24:05 PM
10% spell damage or elemental damage will do the same on a fire spell.
But 10% spell damage will increase chaos damage, unlike elemental damage.
Do you mean basic attack with wand? No, it isn't spell damage. But if the wand deals elemental damage, %increased elemental damage will work on it.
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:34:40 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?
Also to increase wand damage I have to get STR/Pysical boosts?
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?
Last edited by SAKRAY on Apr 5, 2012, 9:58:46 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:40:36 PM
Strength does not increase the physical damage of ranged weapons unless you get the keystone passive that allows it to do so, or support your attack skill with it.
Increased spell damage will increase the damage of all of your spells, including chaos spells as was stated.
If you a weapon with elemental damage attached to it, increased elemental damage will only increase the elemental portion, not the physical portion of your attack. However, you can get decent elemental levels on your attacks by utilizing elemental hit, lightning strike, lightning arrow, fire arrow, molten strike, or glacial hammer. These all add or convert a large amount of elemental damage to your attacks, and increased elemental damage will add to all of them (but spell damage will NOT because they are attacks and not spells).
Last edited by Kraide on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:31 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:10 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?

yes, chaos damage isn't reduced by elemental resist or armor, and it bypass energy shield.
Some enemies have chaos resist though, but it just reduces the damage a bit, you can still kill them.
SAKRAY wrote:
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?

yes, if you get the %increase ele damage from a passive, it will increase the 6 cold damage on your weapon.
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:42:22 PM
I know this thread is old but if someone sees it I would be glad to get an answer. so if i understand this correctly. Elemental DMG boost all forms of attacks/spells that have some sort of element in it. And spell DMG only increeses the dmg of actual SPELLS.
I have done a Witch where i go heavy into lightning DMG (dont know if it is good late game or not but i wanna try it). So i can both get spell dmg and elemental dmg to boost the damage of my lightning spells such as spark and lightning trap for exampel?
Posted by
on Nov 9, 2013, 2:18:35 PM
Both spell dmg and elemental dmg will boost the damage of your lightning spells.
Posted by
on Nov 10, 2013, 2:10:09 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Last edited by DemiDemon on Mar 11, 2014, 12:23:46 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:19:10 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.

In short, no.
'Chill and freeze damage' doesn't exist. Chill and freeze duration is based on the damage dealt by the hit that triggered them. Anything that increases the damage of the original hit increases the duration of chill/freeze. No extra damage is dealt to a monster just because you chilled or froze it.
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Last edited by KG31459 on Mar 11, 2014, 12:54:00 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:52:09 AM
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, he had a fire witch and I assumed that what applied to one element would naturally apply to another - my bad.
KG31459 wrote:
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Again, my bad. After looking over the site for 20 mins I resorted to Googling the term 'elemental damage vs spell damage' and this was the only result close to what I wanted to know. When it didn't give me quite the answer I needed I thought it better to post in a similar thread rather than start another and end up with even more thousands of threads that are next-to-impossible to search through.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 1:24:17 AM

Report Forum Post

Poe Spell Damage And Chaos Dmg Vs Chaos Dmg Free

Confirmed that crit chance and spell crit chance both work for spells. Dumb, really. Anyway, it's commonly stated that inc atk spd is considered the best damage boost, even more than pure spell dmg boosts. Grab them, get crit and work on high spell dmg nodes. Check the class specific PoE forums, they're helpful. Chaos Damage is a Weapon enchantment in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. This enchantment has a 50% chance of dealing fire, frost, and shock damage simultaneously, affecting the target's Health, Stamina and Magicka. The enchantment itself has eight different possible outcomes, with the majority of the time either one or two effects being delivered to the target. With two one-handed weapons.

Chaos refers to a type of magic wielded by warlocks and demon hunters. Chaos is a unique multi-school, combining all the seven schools of magic: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Shadow and even Physical. Multi-school abilities benefit from bonuses that affect any of their schools, use the lowest resistance value among their schools, ignore absorption and immunity effects that apply to only some of their schools, and can be used even when one or more of their schools have been locked with an interrupt effect.

Chaos' comprehensive nature guarantees that damage done will not be mitigated by any armor, resistances or school-specific effects the target might possess. However mitigation and immunity abilities that are not school-specific (such as [Ice Block] and [Divine Shield]) as well as damage-absorption shields provide by abilities like [Mastery: Blood Shield], [Mastery: Illuminated Healing] and [Power Word: Shield] will still absorb, mitigate or completely prevent damage from this school. Due to its comprehensive nature, it is impossible for players to be locked out of the Chaos school unless a Chaos spell itself is interrupted, in which case spells of all schools will be locked out.

  • 1Chaos spells

Chaos spells

Demon hunter

  • [Annihilation]
  • [Chaos Strike]
  • [Disrupt]
  • [Fel Lance] (honor talent)
  • [Fel Rush]
  • [Fury of the Illidari] (artifact ability)
  • [Mana Break] (honor talent)
  • [Mana Rift] (honor talent)

[Eye Beam], [Chaos Nova], [Fel Eruption] (talent), and [Fel Barrage] (talent) are not Chaos damage, but rather Chromatic damage (which is the combination of all schools but Physical and Holy).


  • [Demonbolt] (talent)
  • [Dimensional Rift] (artifact ability)
  • [Chaos Bolt]


Poe Spell Damage And Chaos Dmg Vs Chaos Dmg Pc

  • In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Chaos was an attack type that did full damage to all armor types.

Patch changes

  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added, with the introduction of [Chaos Wave] and [Touch of Chaos].

Poe Spell Damage And Chaos Dmg Vs Chaos Dmg Download


Poe Spell Damage And Chaos Dmg Vs Chaos Dmg 2

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