Old Fashioned Dmg Destiny 2

(Last updated: 2018/03/27)

NOTE: this site is very much out of date.Many significant changes have been made since this was last updated. Some of thematerial in the strike guides may still be useful (map triggers, boss phases, etc).

Jan 23, 2018 'Destiny 2:' Dmg04 locks his Twitter; YouTubers no longer making 'D2' content - Video 'Destiny 2' players are pretty much aware of Bungie 's recent job post looking for a new community manager including the news about Eric Hirshberg stepping down as Activision's Publishing CEO.

Destiny 2 was released in 2017 byBungie to much acclaim and much griping. The game features numerous activities forsolo players as well as groups of players, and in some cases the group activitiescan be played as challenging solo activities.

'Strikes' are activities for a group of three players. 'Nightfall' strikes,which change every week, add additional challenges and a scoring system. 'Prestige'Nightfall strikes have configurable difficulty settings, and prevent you from switchingequipment during the mission. Soloing normal and Prestige Nightfall strikes ispossible but difficult, providing a challenge for players who are looking for ways topush themselves.

I've created detailed guides for each strike, focused on solo completion. The restof this page includes some information common to all Nightfall strikes.

  • Exodus Crash [stub]

The Lake of Shadows strike is a Playstation exclusive, and has not appearedin the Nightfall rotation.

For these guides to be of value you should have a solid understanding of the game andhave completed the strikes in fireteams a few times. The written guides work bestwhen combined with a video, so several are linked for each strike.

These guides were developed for the original Nightfall system, which had a timelimit. Prestige Nightfalls had tougher enemies and a shorter time limit. Patch1.1.3, released 27-Feb-2018, removed the timer, added scoring, and made some other changes(see TWAB from Feb 8 for details).I summarized my thoughts about how the changes affect solo playhere.

It appears that modifiers like Prism and Momentum have been removed. There areindications that they may return one day, so related sections remain butare now shown in grey text. Some of it is still relevant forother PvE content, notably Heroic Adventures.

I also have a page with information on soloingHeroic Adventures.

Standard Loadout

As of February 2018, the recommended weapons for solo PvE play are:

  • Kinetic: Better Devils (hand cannon)
  • Energy: Manannan SR4 (scout rifle)
  • Power: Curtain Call (rocket launcher), or for certain strikes Wardcliff Coil

Better Devils hits hard up close, and the Explosive Payloadperk allows it to do solid damage at a distance. (For nearly all weapons,impact damage falls off after a certain distance, but explosive damageis constant.) The best configuration is FastDraw HCS and Flared Magwell.For a hand cannon, the slight boost in Handling beats the slight boost inStability from SteadyHand HCS. The range boost from SureShot HCS isn't usefuland comes at a high price. Flared Magwell gives you 10 shots instead of the13 you get with Extended Mags, but significantly improves the reload speed,and provides a small Stability boost. You can get Better Devils as a dropfrom the Crucible or Lord Shaxx -- I've had it drop four times in 15 hoursof Quickplay.

Manannan SR4 also has the Explosive Payload perk, making it exceptionalat long range. Since you'll be using this to knock off the shields of nearbyenemies, the short zoom and improved handling of Candle PS are usually preferred.For extensive long-range sniping the range/zoom boost for Impulse MS3 can be beneficial.Alloy Magazine gives you a faster reload on an empty magazine and better handlingthan Steady Rounds, but the latter may make it easier to double-tap crits on smalltargets (e.g. Hobgoblins).The weapon also comes with the Lightweight Frame perk that slightly boosts your movementspeed, so you'll want to pull this out when running between encounters. This weaponcan be obtained as a random drop from the Gunsmith.

Curtain Call features the Cluster Bomb perk, which does damage beyondthe initial impact. It can be configured for increased blast radius, with VolatileLaunch and Black Powder, or maximum velocity, with Hard Launch and High-Velocity Rounds.You normally want to be configured for velocity to reduce the opportunity for the bossto dodge, but for some strikes where you use it to clear adds you'll want the biggerblast radius. In some cases the handling improvement from Countermass is more desirable.Black Powder adversely affects both velocity and reload speed, so it's not normally used.Note that changes to the velocity and blast radius do not affect single-target damageor cluster bomb spread. The weapon can be obtained from Commander Zavala, in exchangefor Vanguard tokens.

Wardcliff Coil exotic is a beast. It does an incredible amount of damage,killing in one shot things that can eat two rockets and keep moving. Because it emits astream of mini-rockets, you can focus fire on a single target or distribute it amongseveral. You have to be closeto your target, though, and if you get too close the back-blast can easily kill you. Formost strikes you want a long-range rocket launcher, but for some (e.g. Savathun's Song)the big burst of damage is important. (As of right now, switching from Wardcliff Coil toanother rocket launcher leaves you with nearly a full magazine -- the 'Warcliff CoilAmmo Gift' -- so for non-Prestige Nightfall runs you can safely switch at the boss.)The Coil will reload automatically if you pick up heavy ammo while it's equipped,so if you kill an orange-bar enemy with it you can reload on the run by picking up theammo drop.

Masterwork weapons were introduced in patch 1.1.1 (week 15, 11-Dec-2017).You want your kinetic and energy weapons to be masterworks. The improvementsto weapon stats are very slight, but the ability to create orbs can be significant.Many areas will have you killing a lot of low-level enemies, which means you'll becreating bucketloads of orbs. Opinions vary on which perks are the best, but it'shard to go wrong with Reload Speed. A masterwork rocket launcher is handy but lessimportant.


The Nameless Midnight scout rifle is a popular option for the kinetic slot. It has thesame Explosive Payload perk as Better Devils, making it an exceptional long-range weapon. Itlacks the up-close punch of Better Devils, so it's best paired with an energy hand cannon,though some people like to use dual scout rifles for certain strikes.It can be obtained from Commander Zavala, in exchange for Vanguard tokens.

The Sunshot exotic hand cannon is an excellent choice for the energy slot. It hits hardand makes enemies explode, damaging nearby hostiles, which is frequently useful instrikes (e.g. War Beast or Thrall swarms).

The Sins of the Past rocket launcher offers much better handling than Curtain Call, hasa huge blast radius, and the Auto-Loading Holster perk reloads the weapon when you'reusing something else. However, the velocity and reload speed are inferior to Curtain Call,making it more likely to miss against a mobile boss or distant target, andit's slower to fire multiple rockets unless you're a Titan with Rally Barricade. Sinsof the Past is also much harder to obtain than Curtain Call unless you spend a lot of timein the raid.

Weapon Evaluation

I ran a quick test with various weapons on 6-Feb-2018 (week 23), shootingan unshielded Loyalist Legionary at the start of the level 300 Leviathan raid.I fired at point-blank range, to the head and body. For each entry I recordedthe raw damage per shot, then multiplied it by rounds per minute, and dividedby 60 to get burst damage per second. ('Burst' because it ignores thingslike reload.) Weapons with explosive rounds show two values.

Name (Type)Rnds/minCrit dmgCrit BDPSBody dmgBody BDPS
Better Devils (Kinetic HC)140476 + 5602417280 + 5601960
The Old Fashioned (Kinetic HC)14075617645601307
Sunshot (Energy HC)150448 + 4482240224 + 4481680
Nameless Midnight (Kinetic SR)180277 + 3081755154 + 3081386
Purpose (Kinetic SR)200263 + 2631753132 + 2631316
MIDA Multi-Tool (Kinetic SR)2003941313263877
Manannan SR4 (Energy SR)200236 + 2361573118 + 2361180
Conspirator (Energy SR)2003541180236787
Ghost Primus (Kinetic AR)60016316301251250
Origin Story (Kinetic AR)45021315971701275
Uriel's Gift (Energy AR)45019114321531147
Last Hope (Energy SA)49125821111991628

There's more to a weapon than burst DPS against unshielded targets atpoint-blank range, but this gives you a basic idea of what each can do. You'llnotice that the Explosive Payload damage is constant, regardless of range or hitlocation, which means (for example) that Better Devils outperforms MIDA at moderatelylong range when shooting Loyalist Legionaries.

Weapons like Sunshot and Conspirator cause explosions when hostiles are killed,increasing their effectiveness when used on tight groups.

Weapon Element Tuning

Enemy shields will emit an AoE explosion if you drop them with a matching element.It's useful to tune your energy weapon to an element that matches the shields offrequently-appearing enemies. For example, if you expect to be fighting a void-shieldedMinotaur surrounded by three arc-shielded Harpies, you would prefer arc.

These effects are magnified by the Prism modifier. It's usually a good idea tohave your heavy weapon be a different element from your class abilities, so that youdon't find yourself in a situation where you need to do big damage but have to waitfor the prism to rotate. Your energy weapon should be set to the third element.

If you don't want to fiddle with it, just select arc for energy weapons (to matchshielded Vex Harpies, Fallen Captains, and Hive Knights), and void for powerweapons. Change them up if it seems to matter.

Of course, if you're a Voidwalker with Nezarec's Sin, you should default to usingvoid for energy and power weapons.


For most strikes you want Survivalist armor, with 3 or 4 points in Resilience and therest in Recovery. You can have zero points in Mobility, since it has no impact on yoursprint speed.

If the strike has Momentum as a modifier, you may want to switch to Heavy armorand maximize your Resilience stat. Recovery has no effect on how long you have to sprintbefore healing starts. It does cause the the health bar to fill faster, so it's not worthless,but most of the time the additional health points will be more useful. The exceptionwould be a strike like Savathûn's Song, where you frequently rely on Momentum toheal you through a stream of damage.

If the strike has Attrition as a modifier, you get a slight advantage from Recovery(e.g. 13 vs. 14 seconds for unboosted healing to start).

In terms of armor mods, you will benefit from cooldown reductions, reload speed onyour hand cannon, and perhaps power weapon handling or a Recovery boost. There's not muchneed to tune these for a specific strike, so just use whatever you would for any otherPvE content.

Masterwork armor was added in patch 1.1.2 (week 22, 30-Jan-2018). It increasesyour damage resistance while your super is active by 5% per piece (was 3% until patch 1.1.3).It's not essential but it's not a bad thing to have. When creating masterwork armorfrom cores, start with the pieces that are unlikely to be substituted for an exotic.For example, Titans often use a head or chest exotic, so you'd start with arms.


You want a sparrow with the 'takes less time to summon' feature. It turns out that'less time' means 'instantly', which can be a life-saver in some situations.

Your sparrow can dodge left and right, a fact that is not at all obvious to PCplayers. Double-tapping A/D will execute the dodge. This is important to knowbecause dodging an instant before impact after a long fall appears to negate thefall damage. Dodging does not provide immunity to other types of damage, e.g. ifyou dodge through a laser you'll still get hurt.

You can also control which side of the sparrow you jump off of by holding A/Dwhen hitting spacebar.

Class Abilities and Exotics

Each class has three sub-classes, and each sub-class has two ability trees. Inmost cases, one tree will be focused on melee or group play, neither of which areimportant when soloing -- very few enemies die in one melee hit in a Nightfallstrike. Pick something that best suits your play style.If you don't yet have an opinion, here are some recommendations.

For each class I list some useful exotics. Note that some exotics are subclass-specific,while others are subclass-neutral.

If a specific sub-class or exotic is especially useful in a given strike, the guidefor that strike will call it out.


The Striker Titan is the best overall class for soloing a Nightfall. The barricadesallow you to create defensive positions or fire rocket barrages, and Pulse grenadesremain awesome. Sunbreaker is a viable alternative, especially in Torrent with theHallowfire Heart, and the pyrotechnics make it entertaining.

Default exotic: Mask of the Quiet One. It recharges your melee, grenade, andbarricade when you take damage.

Code of the Earthshaker (top). This gives you dual Pulse grenades and shoulder slam,which can do AoE melee damage (and save you if you're about to miss a jump). Codeof the Juggernaut (bottom) is more melee-focused. The damage from your ground-poundfalls off rapidly with distance, and is unaffected by the height at which you initiateit. (In theory the lingering effects from Terminal Velocity might be affected, butI'm seeing inconsistent behavior with those.) Punches may do more damage to singletargets than slams, but this seems to vary (e.g. Leviathan Loyalist Centurionsare very punchable, but Hungering Ogre punch damage varies a bit).
  • An Insurmountable Skullfort instantly recharges your shoulder charge if you kill what you hit. Wear this if you will be facing Thralls or War Beasts.
  • Crest of Alpha Lupi causes your barricade to emit a small healing pulse. Useful for Torrent strikes, where you can raise a barricade every few seconds.

Old Fashioned Dmg Destiny 2 Walkthrough

Code of the Siegebreaker (bottom), sometimes. Solar ability kills restorehealth , which is very helpful in Torrent. You get ten hammers that leaveburning Sunspots, but if you move away from the Sunspots for more than a fewseconds your super duration will be reduced.Code of the Fire-Forged (top tree) gives you six hammers. The shoulder charge (Hammer Strike)can apply a debuff that boosts all damage to the target by 50%, and the embersfrom Vulcan's Rage can inflict a lot of damage on nearby targets, so it can be bettervs. bosses that you can punch.
  • Hallowfire Heart increases the recharge rate of solar abilities while your super is fully charged. With Torrent, you will be able to spam Thermite grenades rapidly so long as you don't use your super.
Code of the Aggressor (bottom). Shield bash has a disorienting AoE, and killing groupswith grenades reduces the cooldown on grenades. Code of the Protector (top) is more usefulfor group play.
  • Mask of the Quiet One also grants health regeneration on void ability kills, making it slightly more useful for Sentinel.


Warlocks are decent for solo play, especially in strikes with modifiersthat limit your ability to heal (you should generally be configured for healingrifts). The Warlock supers are slower to deliver damage than Titan supers, withthe exception of Nova Bomb, which is quick but also less damaging.Stormcaller has clear advantages for Torrent, while Voidwalker seems designedto counteract Attrition.

Default exotic: Eye of Another World. It improves the regeneration speed of your melee,grenade, and rift. The automatic reload provided by Transversive Steps can be useful forPrism, since you will be periodically switching away from your energy weapon mid-fight.

Attunement of Conduction (top). Powerful melee, extended grenade damage,and your super lasts twice as long if your grenade and melee abilities are charged upwhen you pop it. (You can throw a grenade during the super with no reduction in time.)Attunement of the Elements (bottom) is more useful in groups than solo.
  • Crown of Tempests. The Conduction Tines perk recharges your arc abilities whenever you kill something with arc abilities. In Torrent strikes, killing things with grenades turns you into a Pulse grenade launcher.
Attunement of Flame (bottom). Everlasting Fire can keep the super goingfor a very long time, so long as you keep getting kills. Attunement of Sky (top)lets you shoot while gliding, which is generally not a good idea when you're thesole attraction.
  • (No recommendation.) Starfire Protocol gives you a second Fusion grenade and reduces their charge time, but Fusion grenades aren't great.
Attunement of Hunger (bottom). The Devour ability changes the way you play,allowing the Warlock to tank large numbers of enemies while rapidly recharging grenades.Attunement of Chaos (top) lets you throw overcharged grenades, which are somewhat useful,and makes Nova Bomb move slowly but track enemies. Handy for certain boss fights.
  • Skull of Dire Ahamkara. If you use your Nova Bomb to clear a large number of mobs, you will substantially recharge your super.
  • Nezarec's Sin. It boosts your ability recharge rate on void-damage kills, which makes it viable for any sub-class because you can get credit for killing stuff with your energy weapon. I tend to kill most things with Better Devils, so it doesn't help much, but for Voidwalker you also get boosted by kills with Vortex grenades.


Lacking the Titan's barricades, Warlock's healing, and suffering from an excess ofMobility, Hunters are often the most difficult class to use for a solo run.The preferred class is Arcstrider or Gunslinger, though there are cases where Nightstalkeris amazing.

Default exotic: Foetracer. Deals more damage to marked low-health enemies, providinga small DPS boost. You will rarely use this, however, as each sub-class has a potentexotic.

Way of the Wind (bottom). You get an AoE disorientation effect from melee,and recharge rate boosts when critically wounded. Way of the Warrior is more tuned for melee.
  • Raiden Flux. Quick successive attacks increase the damage output and duration of your super. It lasts a long time, does an impressive amount of damage.
Way of the Sharpshooter (bottom). Landing precision shots charges your super,and landing precision shots with your super boosts your super. Great for killing bossesand high-health mini-bosses like Hungering Ogres.Way of the Outlaw (top) isn't as useful vs. bosses.
  • Celestial Nighthawk. You get one shot that does massive damage. Make sure you land a precision shot. For some strikes (e.g. A Garden World) this is a game-changer. If you don't have this exotic helmet, you should probably use a different subclass.
Way of the Pathfinder (bottom). Your Vortex grenades last twice as long, you candirectly damage the boss with Shadowshot, and smoke bomb can let you run through areasinvisibly.Way of the Trapper (top) is good for killing clusters of mobs, and gives you an explodingthrowing knife, but isn't as good vs. the boss.
  • Graviton Forfeit (with Pathfinder). If you're doing a stealth run, this will let you be invisible for about eight seconds, and use your smoke bombs more often. Works best with the Torrent modifier, which allows you to apply stealth continuously.
  • Orpheus Rig (with Trapper). If you snare a large group, your super will recharge instantly. Very helpful for Thralls and War Beasts.


As a general rule, Pulse and Vortex grenades are preferred, because they do periodicpulses of damage after the initial impact. They are excellent for tough enemies thatstay in place, or swarms of enemies that pass through a narrow area (like War Beastsand Thralls). Pulse grenades were nerfed a bit in patch 1.1.0 (5-Dec-2017),but they're still the most effective option for solo strikes.

The burning effects from Thermite grenades can be similarly effective, but it takesa period of adjustment to get used to throwing them. These should always land in frontof the target to ensure that the hostile will be standing in a burning patch, and willcontinue to take damage if they move toward you.

If these aren't available to your class, try Arcbolt, Solar, Tripmine, or Voidwall.

This post lists the damage done by grenadesvs. the dogs in the Leviathan raid. The actual damage done may be affected by subclass,exotics, and whether the target moves. (The chart is also somewhat stale, as it wascompiled before the significant changes in the 1.1.0 patch.)

General Strike Info

Every Nightfall has two modifiers. One affects damage output or healing, the otheraffects the mission timer. Each modifier combination comes with a unique configurationof hostiles, e.g. the increased firepower available in Torrent is generally balanced with alarger number of bad guys.

Momentum: you won't heal unless you move quickly. You can sprintfor 2.2 seconds, fall a long distance, or drive a sparrow. Your Recovery stat has no effecton how long it takes for healing to start, and only a minor impact on how quickly yourhealth bar refills, so it may be beneficial to tune for Resilience instead. Sprint enhancersreduce the initial delay, but not by much: a Hunter with Keen Scout, MIDA, and Stomp-EE5started healing after 2.1 seconds.
Attrition: healing takes 13-14 seconds to start, and takes longer tofinish. Enemies occasionally drop healing orbs that restore you tofull health and reduce the cooldown on your super.
Torrent: cooldowns for grenades, melee, class abilities, andsupers are significantly reduced, to the point where you don't really need guns.
Prism: at any given time, one element's damage is doubled,while the other two do half damage.This posthas a table with some experimental data. The elements rotate every 31 seconds, fromarc to solar to void (alphabetical order for English speakers). This affects the damageyou do with energy weapons, power weapons, grenades, elementally-charged melee, and supers.Incoming damage is not affected.

Timewarp: Anomalies: glowing blue objects are scattered throughoutthe strike. Shoot them to gain 30 seconds each.
Timewarp: Killing Time: killing red-bar enemies grants +2 seconds,killing orange-bar enemies grants +7 seconds. You don't have to land the killingblow, but enemies killed exclusively by other hostiles don't grant you any time.This tends to be the most difficult modifier, as there are many sections where a soloplayer can barely break even by killing things.
Timewarp: Rings: you literally jump through hoops to add +30 seconds.The rings appear for a limited time, so if you die while jumping through them you willeffective lose up to five minutes.
Timewarp: Zero Hour: you have a set amount of time, and no way toincrease it.

Strikes will not play out exactly the same way every time. The composition andplacement of enemy groups is generally constant, but the position of some units andenvironmental items (like exploding barrels) can vary. Boss fights seem to berigidly defined.

Your characters keep whatever ammo they had from previous activities during thecurrent session. If they were low or out of ammo, they're guaranteed to start witha partial magazine. One trick for starting with a full magazine is to find a planetwith a pending public event and activate Rally the Flag before launching the strike.If you just want power ammo, you can use the 'Wardcliff Coil ammo gift' to get afull magazine quickly: switch to Wardcliff Coil while in orbit, start the strike,switch to your power weapon of choice, return to orbit, start the strike.

Why Do Solo Strikes?

A few reasons why you should be trying to finish Nightfall strikes solo:

  • It will improve your skills. You don't get better at something by performingbasic tasks repeatedly. You have to challenge yourself.
  • It provides an opportunity to work on specific things. Not great at hittingdistant targets with grenades? Solo a Nightfall with Torrent without using guns.
  • You can explore and try weird things. Want to use your sparrow at the startof The Inverted Spire? Spend ten minutes just practicing that.
  • You can try classes you're not familiar with in a challenging environmentwithout worrying about messing up the run for anybody else. Try Voidwalker withDevour, or spam Thermite grenades with Sunbreaker.
  • It's something to do when you've done everything else.

Old Fashioned Dmg Destiny 2 Cheats

All of these things translate into you being more effective and more valuablein group settings. Ever been the last guardian standing in a Heroic strike? You'llnow feel right at home.

Does Strategy Matter?

You can learn a lot from watching videos of expert players, but if you don't knowthe ins and outs it just looks like they're running around killing everything. You might notrealize that they're standing in a very specific place, or killing things in a certainorder, or that the fancy running-jumping-spinning-shooting maneuver is more than justshowing off. The point of these guides is to call out the places where doing certainthings will help you succeed.


For example, in the opening of The Pyramidion, standing in the right place will keepone set of enemies from advancing on your position. A small shift in position willlikely get you killed. If you've only played with a full fireteam you might not evenrealize that those enemies don't have to be killed to open the door. As another example,using the right number of rockets at each phase of the Inverted Spire boss can make ahuge difference.

Every second counts on a solo run. In my first half dozen successful completions, onlythree finished with more than 30 seconds remaining. Two had less than 10 seconds on theclock. Sometimes small improvements can let you eke out a victory even after somebig mistakes.

You can find solo-run videos of every Nightfall on YouTube. These are typically labeled byweek. Week 1 began Tuesday September 6, 2017. Curse of Osiris launched TuesdayDecember 5, 2017, at the start of week 14.Esoterickk's Nightfall playlist(links to Prestige runscollected on Reddit)covers all of them.


How to Improve

This takes time and patience. You will fail many times before you succeed. If you watchthe expert players you will see them throwing grenades and aiming down their sights atplaces where enemies are about to appear... repetition and foreknowledge gives theman edge. They developed this by playing these strikes over and over, until the hardthings became easy.

I strongly recommend that you record each run. For PC players, Nvidia's ShadowPlaysoftware, which is included with all of their video cards, is easy to use and adds verylittle overhead. This can help you in a few ways.

First, if you screw something up, you may not understand why in the heat of the moment.For example, in the opening to the Pyramidion I would jump off my sparrow, throw a grenade,and fire a rocket. The grenade missed, and I didn't know why until I reviewed therecording and saw that I was rushing to line up the rocket shot before the grenade hadactually left my hand.

Second, it can help you identify areas where you're getting bogged down. Compare yourtime through a particular section with that of the expert players. If it's taking youtwice as long, that's something to focus on.

And, of course, when you complete the mission, you can post it on the web. And evenif you don't, you might get a fun 'blooper reel' out of your less successful moments.

Normal or Prestige?

Prestige enemies are tougher, but the strike is otherwise identical. Ifyour light level is below the recommended minimum (currently 330), things will besubstantially more difficult. Your weapon damage is capped once you reach the recommendedminimum, so having a higher level doesn't actually help.

The most significant change is to the mission timer, which will be reduced by 4 or 5 minutes.If you find yourself finishing normal Nightfalls within the Prestige time limit, you can trythe Prestige version. I wouldn't recommend trying it until you can finish the normalstrike with significant time to spare, because when the mission ends early you're deniedthe opportunity to practice different strategies on the boss.

These guides are intended to work for both normal and Prestige modes. In somecases there is a significant benefit to switching power weapons, which isn't possiblein Prestige. Both approaches will be described. If you want to try Prestige, makesure you can succeed in normal mode without changing your equipment during the strike.

Game Patches

A summary of changes that impacted solo runs.

VersionDate (week)Content
1.0.06-Sep-2017 (week 1)Game launched on PS4/XB1.
(1.0.5)24-Oct-2017 (week 8)Game launched on PC.
1.1.05-Dec-2017 (week 14)Curse of Osiris expansion released. Significant changes to grenades, notably Pulse grenade damage got reduced and dual-grenade recharge times got increased. Many other tweaks to weapons and exotics. (week 15)Masterwork weapons introduced.
1.1.230-Jan-2018 (week 22)Masterwork armor introduced.
1.1.327-Feb-2018 (week 26)Nightfall strike scoring introduced, replacing fail timers. Masterwork armor damage reduction increased.
1.1.427-Mar-2018 (week 30)Player speed increased. Many changes to weapon damage.

Copyright 2018 Andy McFadden. All Rights Reserved.

Destiny 2 for MacBook OS X

The multiplayer game Destiny 2 is now playable on Macintosh computers. Destiny 2 for MacBook is free to download in two methods, via torrent and directly. Destiny 2 is an online video game played in first person perspective. This game can be played only with internet connection because does not have single player mode. This FPS game can be played on any iMac and MacBook that meet the requirements listed below in this page.

Destiny 2 has been developed by Bungie and published by Activision. They made a lot of new improvements in front of his predecessor , many in graphics and gameplay. Once you start the game you can select if you want to play with 3 vs 3 or 6 vs 6. The second game from Destiny already have a lot of good reviews from critics sites. In the new game we also have a bigger collection of weapons to kill. For more informations about the game you may also check here.

Old Fashioned Dmg Destiny 2 Download

Destiny 2 for MacBook REQUIREMENTS

If you own and Macintosh computer and you are decided to download and play Destiny then here are few of the requirements. You OS X computer will need at least 4 GB RAM, this is absolutely necessary. Processor recommended is i3 with 1.7 GHz speed. The game dmg file size is 29.16 GB but is highly recommended to have approximately 50 GB because game may download addition data. One last important requirements is OS X version, 10.11 or up is necessary.

Destiny 2 for MacBook DOWNLOAD

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