Gw2 Warrior I Suck At Dmg

Mirage players lose access to dodge rolling, but become able to evade attacks even in the middle of another action or while disabled. Trivia edit A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. Mar 18, 2015  Building a Warrior - posted in GW2 Discussion: I am pretty new to this game, and MMOs in general. Ive had it for a bought 2 weeks now and I am hooked. I have two characters a level 45 warrior and a just started a ranger cause I was bored. But I love the little WvW Ive done so far. I am just wondering what us the best build as a warrior on WvW? Sign In With Your GW2 Account; Register; en fr es de Index; Discussions. I am enjoying Tactics Axe/Sword Warrior post patch.

This article is about the Mesmer elite specialization. For the weapon, see Mirage (weapon).

The mirage moves through battle like shifting sand, cloaking themselves rather than dodging attacks. Their graceful, swirling axes and prismatic mirrors are as deceptively beautiful as they are deadly.

— Official site

Mirage is an elite specialization for the mesmer. It grants mesmers access to axes, ambush and deception skills, and replaces the mesmer's dodge ability with Mirage Cloak.
  • 1List of mirage skills
    • 1.1Weapon skills
    • 1.2Slot skills

List of mirage skills[edit]

See also: List of mesmer skills

Weapon skills[edit]

# Skill Description


1Lacerating Chop½ Inflict bleeding on your target.
1Ethereal Chop½ Inflict Torment on your target.
1Mirror Strikes½ Inflict bleeding and torment on your target.
1Imaginary Axes½ 1Ambush. Release phantasmal axes that seek out the nearest target after a short delay.
2Lingering Thoughts¾¼Clone. Spin forward and strike multiple times, inflicting conditions and leaving a mirage at your starting position. If an enemy is near the mirage when it expires, a clone is summoned.
3Axes of Symmetry¾ 10 You and all your axeclonesshadowstep to a random location around your target and strike, applying confusion. This attack breaks enemy targeting, and your illusions change focus to the targeted foe.


1Mirage Thrust¾ 1Ambush. Lunge at your foe and strike them with your sword, briefly dazing them. Leave behind a clone at your original location.


1Ether Barrage 1½ 1Ambush. Launch a barrage of chaos orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion or torment each hit. Condition duration halved for clones.


1Split Surge 1½ 1Ambush. Shoot a beam at a targeted foe, and secondary beams at foes near your target.


1Chaos Vortex 1 1Ambush. Release a vortex of chaos energy that inflicts conditions on foes and grants boons to allies.


1Ambush Assault 1¼ 1Ambush. Blink to your target and unleash a series of low-damage strikes that rapidly stack vulnerability.


1Wave of Panic½ 1Ambush. Release a wave of energy that interrupts and confuses foes.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Description
False Oasis¾ 25Deception. Create a mirage at your current location and heal over time. When the mirage expires, it spawns a mirage mirror.


Skill Description
Crystal Sands¼ 20Deception. Draw in shards of crystal sand that confuse foes they pass through on their way to your targeted location. The shards form a Mirage Mirror upon reaching their destination.
Illusionary Ambush 20Deception. You and all your illusions shadowstep to a random point around your target and gain Mirage Cloak. Illusions' actions are interrupted when they change focus to the targeted foe.
Mirage Advance¾ 25Deception.Shadowstep and unleash an attack that blinds your target and nearby foes. You may reactivate this skill to return to your original position.
Mirage Retreat Return to your starting point and leave behind a clone at your previous location.
Sand Through Glass 25Deception.Evadebackward and leave behind a mirage mirror.


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Skill Description
Jaunt½Deception. Shadowstep to a target location and confuse nearby foes.

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List of mirage traits[edit]

See also: List of mesmer traits
Tier Trait Description
Minor Proficiency You can wield axes.
Minor Adept Gain Mirage Cloak instead of dodge rolling. Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you gain Mirage Cloak. Gain access to Deception skills.
Major Adept Using a Deception skill will create a clone if you have any clones active.
Major Adept Gain regeneration when you gain Mirage Cloak. The duration of damaging conditions is reduced while you are regenerating.
Major Adept When entering combat, your first Ambush attack applies confusion. This ability refreshes when you use a Shatter skill.
Minor MasterShatter skills give vigor, and vigor grants condition damage.
Major Master Illusions shattered by Distortion become Mirage Mirrors. Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you grant distortion to yourself.
Major Master Gain protection when Mirage Cloak ends.
Major Master Reduce recharge of axe skills. Axe skills generate an additional phantom axe.
Minor GrandmasterMirage Cloak increases your movement speed.
Major Grandmaster When you gain Mirage Cloak, your illusions also gain it.
Major GrandmasterDodging removes conditions.
Major Grandmaster Use Sand Shards when Mirage Cloak ends.

List of mirage equipment[edit]

  • Superior Rune of the Mirage
  • Mirage's Veil
  • Mirage's Axe
  • Veilrender

Related achievements[edit]

  • Specializations (Path of Fire achievements): Adept Mirage — Begin training the mesmer's mirage elite specialization. (5)
  • Specializations (Path of Fire achievements): Master Mirage — Completely train the mesmer's mirage elite specialization. (10)
  • Specialization Collections: Veilrender — Collect these 14 items and skins to receive the mirage's axe, Veilrender. (3)



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  • Players wishing to learn more about the Mirage can visit Nasrin Davish in the Crystal Oasis.
  • Mirage players lose access to dodge rolling, but become able to evade attacks even in the middle of another action or while disabled.


  • A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky.
  • Mirage was the first elite specialization fleshed out for the Path of Fire expansion. The name drove the development of the specialization.

External links[edit]

RelatedProfession mechanicRacial skillsSkill types

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ListsSkillsTraitsPet skills
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In beta the combination of input lag and the fact that I felt like none of the player moves were cool on their own or had any impact made me cancel my pre-order. It's not like they didn't know how to make an ability cool or have impact but they only gave them to mobs. When you got your ass crushed by some elites/mini bosses you felt it. I didn't like always getting the beat down. I'd pull off great combos as a Warrior and it felt like I was wielding a feather tickling things to death feeling no impact aside from the damage numbers it was hard to tell if you even landed the ability.
The random world events were lame. WvWvW was just endless running around in a big zerg if you didn't want to be obliterated after running forever the first time you encountered a fight.
It was designed to be for everyone who ever hated recount and gear-score in wow but failed to provide any sense of satisfaction or fun in doing anything other than running around and being told your story and seeing pretty landscapes.