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Oct 23, 2015  Phantasms look like you too – sort of – just without textures and more transparent. They actually do good damage and can take a hit, and they also are a resource for shatter skills. The maximum amount of illusions you can have at a time is three, if you cast a new illusion with three illusions out, one of four things will happen: 1. At least 4 players should try to be in a circle when it disappears or all members of squad will take damage. Each player in the circle, up to 4, reduces the damage by 25%. 75% - Doppleganger Reflection #1.

This guide is for beginners who still aren't familiar with the gamemode or only played Hot join so far. Here you can read about some basic rules and tips that can improve your performance.


Communication is an important part of Conquest - therefore you must learn some expressions your team (and this guide) will use.


  • Close/Home = this refers to the capture point closest to your team's base where you respawn. An example: on Battle of Khylo, Blue Team's close point is the Mansion.
  • Mid = the capture point equally far from both teams.
  • Far = the capture point farthest from your base (this is the Close point of the enemy team).
  • Free cap = a capture point is a 'free-cap' if nobody's defending it.
  • Decap = de-capturing a point means the point will turn neutral. It's often used to quickly prevent the enemy from earning score - decap is faster than actually capturing the point for your team - and you can force the enemy team to send someone to full-cap it, which takes a lot longer.

Map specific:

  • Temple of the Silent Storm:
  • Upper (buff): Meditation of Stillness - grabbing this buff will double the score your team recieves after each captured capture point for a brief time.
  • Lower (buff): Meditation of Tranquility - grabbing this buff will capture all 3 points for your team and knocks off enemies standing on the points.
  • Side buff: Meditation of Ferocity - grabbing this buff will give your team 3 extra score for each enemy you kill for 2 minutes 8this buff stacks intensity, having both buffs will give 11 points instead of the usual 5 while it lasts) - tip: this buff is insignificant in most cases, this should be your lowest priority, you can lose precious time while going for it, your presence in a fight is much more important.
  • Forest of Niflhel:
  • NPC / Boss / Neutral : this refers to Svanir and Chieftain Utahein - killing them awards your team 25 score and a temporary stat buff - tip: capture points are a lot more important than the secondary objectives of this map.
  • Legacy of the Foefire:
  • Lord: each team has a guild lord. Killing the enemy lord awards 150 points - tip: don't push lord unless your team has 350 points, and even then it should be plan B - it's usually a desperate action to win the match even if your enemy is ahead, but pushing lord can make you lose every capture point, that's why you shouldn't do it with less then 350 team score.

A working build

If you are familiar with the site, you likely already have a build. Grabbing a build from the Meta or Great sections is recommended for beginners.

Never free-cap in a group

A common mistake that people bring over from Hotjoin. Capturing an empty point won't be any faster if multiple allies are standing on the point - this is the most pointless waste of team members. This makes the enemy team heavily outnumber your allies on other capture points, which often resuls at your team losing the other 2 nodes and then the enemy snowballs to the 3rd, outnumbering you yet again.

Never rush into a lost team fight, and don't be afraid to disengage

Another common mistake. An example: if you see a 3v1 and only you can aid that guy, then don't. You will only make it 2v3, and make 2/5 of your team wipe. Simply just be happy that the enemy can be outnumbered on 2 other capture points, and help those. Or if your team is clearly losing a fight, you are outnumbered and your teammates are going down and there is no way you could make them rally from downed state, just escape while you can and help elsewhere/regroup.

Help the downed but don't die reviving

It's just not worth to get yourself downed for tryharding. Try to res immediately, but if you are getting focused and bursted, just leave your buddy alone, there is no point at getting yourself killed for no reason.

If you can, give Swiftness before match starts

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Swiftness is vital, because you get to the point faster at the start, which can really boost your performance. For example a bunker Guardian with staff can use

Symbol. Sear a mystic symbol into the target area, damaging foes and granting swiftness to allies.
Swiftness (4s): 33% Movement Speed
Symbol Duration: 4 seconds
Combo Field: Light

or an Elementalist with staff can create a

Create an electrical field that stuns foes crossing it.
Stun (2s): Unable to use skills or move.
Radius: 180
Range: 1,200

for the combo field before the match starts.

Guard the capture points you have

It's not hotjoin anymore. 2 capture points = win if you can defend them, so don't give them up easily. But being afk on a point that's not being invaded ever forces your team into a 4v5 situation, which means you will make your team lose the match. The solution usually is to entrust a mobile profession with defending close point, usually an Engineer, Warrior, Ranger or Ele - the one filling this role must also be able to fight on the point to keep it contested, that's why some squishier professions should stay away from this role (like Thieves) unless nobody else can do it. Being mobile, they can move up to team fights on most maps while still keeping an eye on the unguarded side point and can run back if they see an enemy approaching (or after killing 1-2 guys in the midfight, predicting respawners pushing the unguarded capture point).

The rules of pushing Far

De-capping/full-capping farpoint is always a huge blow to the enemy. However, don't do this if:

1: You make your team lose a teamfight. Not worth it.
2: An enemy is there during the match. Be glad he is paranoid. If you let him stay there doing nothing for the entire match that means your team can 5v4 their team thus keeping 2 points for sure which means you will likely win.

Thieves are especially effective when it comes to harassing Far, because of the mobility provided by

Infiltrator's Arrow
Fire an arrow and shadowstep to the target area, blinding nearby foes.
Number of Targets: 3
Range: 900

- and stealth can help to hide your movement.

A common thing you can do is to leave the team fight once it's certainly lost and try to get another capture point of your enemy.

Capture point contribution

Here you can find a list about things that prevent capture point contribution - this means even if you are standing on the point, you can't keep it contested unless another party member is standing on it as well.

Class mechanics

Combos (via gaining Stealth)

  • Smoke Field + Blast finisher / Leap finisher


  • Obsidian Flesh
    Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
  • Mist Form
    Cantrip. Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.
    Duration: 3 seconds
    Breaks stun
  • Vapor Form
    Assume a mobile, vaporous form, returning to a downed state when the effect ends.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
  • 30
    Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution


  • Distortion
    Shatter. Destroy all your clones and phantasms, gaining distortion for each one shattered.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
  • The Prestige
    Disappear in a cloud of smoke blinding nearby foes. Reappear three seconds later, burning nearby foes.
    Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.
    Burning (3s): 984 Damage
    Radius: 240
  • Decoy
    Clone. Gain stealth and summon an illusion to attack your foe.
    Breaks Stun
  • 72
    Glamour. Create a wall that grants stealth to you and your allies.
    Curtain duration: 6 seconds
    Range: 900
  • 120
    Manipulation. Give allies Illusion of Vengeance at the target location, allowing them to get up from downed and keep fighting. Fully revives allies if they kill a foe.
    Number of Targets: 3
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
    (prevents the target ally from capture point contribution and not the caster)
  • 90
    Manipulation. You and all allies gain stealth for a short time.
    Number of Targets: 10
    - careful with this one, it's an AoE stealth which means your can easily cause your team to lose a nearby capture point by giving stealth to everyone.
  • 15
    Clone. Create a downed clone of yourself.



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  • Elixir S
    Elixir. Drink Elixir S to shrink yourself, recover from stun, and evade attacks.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
  • 50
    Elixir. Toss Elixir S, granting stealth to allies in target area.
    Radius: 180


  • Hunter's Shot
    Fire an arrow that grants you stealth when it hits an enemy. Your pet gains swiftness.
    Pet Swiftness (10s): 33% Movement Speed
    Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
  • 'Protect Me!'
    Shout. Instead of attacking, your pet will protect you by absorbing all damage you would take.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution


  • ½
    Stab your foe and vanish in stealth, leaving them vulnerable.
    Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.
    Range: 130
  • 30
    Deception. Vanish in stealth and gain regeneration. Cures burning, poison and bleeding.
    Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.
  • Blinding Powder
    Deception. Blind foes in the target area and grant stealth to nearby allies.
    Blindness (5s): Next outgoing attack misses.
    Combo Finisher: Blast
  • 60
    Deception. Create a pulsing refuge at the target area that heals allies and cloaks them in stealth.
    Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.
    Duration: 4 seconds
    Combo Field: Dark
    - careful with this one, it's an AoE stealth which means your can easily cause your team to lose a capture point if you cover the entire node with this skill - try to place it in a way that at least 1 ally on the point won't enter stealth.
  • Shadow Pursuit
    Trap. Shadowstep to the target that triggered Shadow Trap.
    Fury (5s): 20% Critical Chance
    Breaks stun
  • 20
    Drop a smoke bomb and vanish in stealth.
    Duration: 1 second
  • Blinding Tuft (stolen skill)


  • 90
    Meditation. Focus, making yourself invulnerable and recharging your virtues.
    Prevents Capture-Point Contribution


  • 20
    Rally and fight normally for a brief time. You have a chance to fully rally if you kill an enemy. When the vengeance ends, you are defeated.
    Vengeance Duration: 15 seconds
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Strike Mission: Whisper of Jormag

Strike Mission
Whispering Depths
(Bjora Marches)

Loading screen

WARNING: Entering this Strike Mission will reveal key plot points of the 'Shadow in the Ice' story.
Gather your allies and relive the battle against the Ice Dragon's most persuasive servant yet. Deep under the mountains of the Bjora Marches, a whisper awaits.

— In-game description

Strike Mission: Whisper of Jormag is the fifth Strike Mission introduced into the game.

  • 4Walkthrough
  • 5NPCs

Getting there[edit]

  • The portal for entering the strike mission is located in the southwest edge of Bjora Marches. The option to join a public instance is currently available. Players will be put into a new instance with up to 10 other players. If a public mission starts with fewer than 10 players, it will be locked down and no more players will be able to join.


  • Speak to the Raven shaman to begin the Strike Mission.
  • Draw out the Whisper of Jormag.
  • Defeat the Whisper of Jormag.
    • Whisper of Jormag
    • Strike Mission ends in: 10:00
    • Silver rewards disappear in: 5:00
    • Gold rewards disappear in: 3:00
  • Strike Mission complete!
  • Mission closes in: 2:00
  • Bonus rewards obtained: x/2



Condi cleanse is not required for this fight but a fast, mobile healer is generally advised, especially for PUG groups as, particularly inexperienced, players are likely to go down all around the arena due to the need to split at various times during the fight.

Provided players have stacked up on Essence of Valor before the fight, players do not need personal breakbar damage. Periodically, the boss will summon a blizzard and a breakbar will appear, which ends the blizzard and stuns the boss when broken. It's highly beneficial to break this bar, however it can be broken easily using the essence manipulation special skill that appears at this time.



At the beginning of the fight and periodically throughout, the boss will launch the squad into the air. The boss will then ground-target an attack on the spots from where everyone was launched. All squad members should engage their gliders to land in a new place and entirely avoid the damage.

Also periodically, the boss will target all players for bombardment from the air by icicles. Each player will be marked by a red circle. The icicle attack is a modest AOE that, on it's own, the player can dodge or simply eat, however if players are hit by overlapping AOE from several in the squad it can cause significant damage. As players are normally stacked just outside the boss's hitbox when this attack happens, it is important players separate, normally to the edge of the arena, to avoid overlapping their circles.

From time to time, green circles will appear with yellow arrows above. These will get smaller until they disappear. At least 4 players should try to be in a circle when it disappears or all members of squad will take damage. Each player in the circle, up to 4, reduces the damage by 25%.

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75% - Doppleganger Reflection #1

Below 75% the boss begins using a new 'chains' attack. Randomly 3 players will be selected. A small timer will appear over their head and the purplish outline of a chain will connect them to the boss. Roughly 2-3 seconds later the chains will materialize. These chains will cause severe damage to any players passing through them. It is extremely important that any players with the chains only move backwards and forwards and not side to side, as they can inadvertently pass through squadmates and kill them. Likewise, melee needs to be extremely aware of this mechanic. All 3 chains are attached to the boss and if melee is inside the boss's character model, the melee can receive damage from all 3 chains. This will likely both down and defeat the player within a second. If someone with a chain sees a downed player lying in his chain, in contrast to the normal rule, he should try to move slightly left or right to avoid damaging the downed player but only if he can do so safely without hitting other players.

Note: The boss will also continue performing its 'launch' attack while people are chained. The chained players need to be careful to glide to safety while not moving far from left to right.

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The chains are very obviously telegraphed and not difficult to avoid provided everyone is paying attention (especially those that get the chains).

25% - Doppleganger Reflection #2

Below 25%, the boss begins using a couple new attacks in addition to the previous attacks.

The first is an arc attack that covers roughly 50% of the platform. This doesn't do too much damage and you can consider eating it if you're low on energy for dodges.

The second new attack is a barrage of slow-rolling 'orbs' that start from the boss and roll to the edge of the arena. The start of this attack is indicated by large red arrows with yellow borders radiating out from the boss in roughly a 120 degree arc. These orbs do significant AOE damage if they impact a player. If players stay near the boss and are hit by several of these exploding orbs, detonated by themselves or other players,they can be seriously damaged, even instantly downed. So, as with the icicles, it is advisable players move to the edge of the area when the red arrows appear, where the orbs are easily avoided, before returning to just outside the boss's hitbox after they are gone.






Raven Shaman Hallveig: Thanks for the assistance, Commander. Is your squad ready to go?
If public:
(Advancing will lock your party and prevent any other players from joining the Strike Mission.)
Let's do this.
We're still waiting for more people to show up.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Shadow in the Ice: Legendary Whisper of Jormag — Defeat the Whisper of Jormag in the Strike Mission. (10)
  • Shadow in the Ice: Reflections in the Ice — Defeat your frozen clone in 10 seconds or less in the Whisper of JormagStrike Mission. (5)
  • Shadow in the Ice: Slither-less — Complete the Whisper of JormagStrike Mission without triggering Slithering Rime explosions. (5)
  • Shadow in the Ice: Vortex, Interrupted — Interrupt the Whisper of Jormag's Frigid Vortex 5 times in one encounter. (10)
Shiverpeaks Pass • Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen • Fraenir of Jormag • Boneskinner • Whisper of Jormag
Secret Lair of the Snowmen(temporary)
AreasEast:Aberrant Forest • Asgeir's Legacy • Darkrime Delves • Fallen Mountains • Fallen Ruins • Frozen Pass • Jora's Keep • Raven Sanctum • Ravenfrost Caverns • Southern Mountains • Svanir Plateau
West:Boreal Pass • Cerulean Hollows • Eaglewatch Rise • Forest of a Thousand Voices • Fractured Lake • Frigid Dunes • Frostborn Cascades • Ice Spire Peaks • Raven Ruins • Rime Glen • Spirits' Refuge • Whispering Depths
Mastery InsightsEast:Aberrant Forest • Asgeir's Legacy • Fallen Mountain Overlook • Ravenfrost Caverns • West:Drakkar's Lair • Frozen Waterfall • The Lost Kodan Ship
AchievementsEast:Bjora Marches Historian • East Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter • Essence Looter • Hunting Champions • Luminary • Mysteries of the Raven Sanctum • The Hunger • More...
West:A Hunger for Knowledge • Bringing Light to the Darkness • Idolatry • Koda Be Praised • Luminiferous • Shadows Creep • DailiesMore...
Meta eventsEast:Storms of Winter • West:Champion of the Ice Dragon • The Eagle Shrine • The Ox Shrine • The Wolverine Shrine
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