Better Dnd Dmg Rapier Or Two Shortswords

Jun 08, 2014  Since there's no reason to use a rapier over two short swords except to use cunning action to withdraw from the enemy, which is sort of a skirmisher fighting style, there's even less reason to dual wield two daggers over two short swords, or use a single dagger over two. Advantage is better than sneak attack, but not much better except for.

  • Mar 08, 2015 With about a month or so until the start of the my first 'proper' 5th edition campaign, I'd like to spend a moment hammering out the rules we're going to use to play the game. After more than two years of playtest packets and limited options, the whole breadth of the new PHB and DMG are.
  • Any reason not to use a rapier as an Assassin rogue? Go for 2 x Shortswords. Of course, rogue using two swords is a bit odd, but maybe that's just me. I find it interesting that no one has pointed out that shortswords are better than daggers if you do not plan on throwing them. I think dual-wield shortswords with a.

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Better Dnd Dmg Rapier Or Two Short Swords 2

Martial Melee Weapons
Shortsword10 gp1d6 piercing2 lb.Finesse, light

Better Dnd Dmg Rapier Or Two Short Swords Defender Extreme

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Rapier Master

You have mastered the art of wielding a rapier to pierce your target's defenses and parry opponent's attacks. You gain the following benefits when using a rapier:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a rapier.
  • As a bonus action, you can search your opponent for vulnerabilities. Choose a creature you can see within 5 feet of you. Before the start of your next turn, your next attack that hits the creature with a rapier deals an extra 1d4 piercing damage on a hit.
  • As a bonus action, you can prepare to pierce your target's defenses. Choose a creature you can see within 5 feet of you. Before the end of your next turn, the next time you would make an attack with a rapier against the creature, instead, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, if you are proficient with rapiers). If the replaced attack roll would have had advantage, the target makes the dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed save the target takes the attack’s normal damage and suffers any additional effects.

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