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Mar 20, 2018  Top 15 Path of Exile Vendor Recipes. Since finding rare products with decent quality is rather rare It’s my job to only use the non-quality recipe.

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anyone know of poe craft simulator? (I don't have an iphone)
also is there a comprehensive guide on poe crafting that you guys like?
thank you
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2018, 10:57:46 PM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2018, 7:38:58 PM
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2018, 7:39:56 PM
method 1
- get alts, transmutes, augs, alchs, chaos and exalts. and a mirror or 5.
- get a good base item of choice, get it to 20%
- if you want a blue base for master crafting:
-- hold shift
-- select a currency (alts, transmutes, augs)
-- spam click over your item until happy
-- do master crafts
-if you want a yellow base:
-- hold shift
-- select a currency (alchs, chaos, exalts)
-- spam click over your item until happy
-- spam some exalts until you can't
--- bad result from exalts?
--- go back to spamming chaos orbs
--- repeat
- use mirror on finished item, you'll have 2.
method 2
(there is no crafting, it's all randomness. very little to no control, which is not 'crafting'. imagine playing minecraft and you put 4 pieces of wood to build a crafting bench, but instead you get a pickaxe or seeds or iron boots or and apple or .... . 32 tries, 17 trees later you get your bench.)
Last edited by tidbit on Jan 3, 2018, 11:31:56 PM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2018, 7:49:22 PM
method 1
- get alts, transmutes, augs, alchs, chaos and exalts. and a mirror or 5.
- get a good base item of choice, get it to 20%
- if you want a blue base for master crafting:
-- hold shift
-- select a currency (alts, transmutes, augs)
-- spam click over your item until happy
-- do master crafts
-if you want a yellow base:
-- hold shift
-- select a currency (alchs, chaos, exalts)
-- spam click over your item until happy
-- spam some exalts until you can't
--- bad result from exalts?
--- go back to spamming chaos orbs
--- repeat
- use mirror on finished item, you'll have 2.
method 2
(there is no crafting, it's all randomness. very little to no control, which is not 'crafting'. imagine playing minecraft and you put 4 pieces of wood to build a crafting bench, but instead you get a pickaxe or seeds or iron boots or and apple or ....)

This is actually almost really useful for me. I've been trying to figure it out for a long time. I get the general pictures and make myself some okay gear, but I think the specifics are hard to understand. Implicits etc.
What do you mean by --do master crafts?
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2018, 7:55:51 PM
in the hideout, there's crafting benches from the masters. at a certain point you can get things like 'can have additional crafts' (default is 1) aswell as things like 'cannot roll caster prefixes' (handy if you want to try exalting/chaosing a melee-only item or w/e).
that is basically the only true crafting in poe, but unfortunately the master bench values are fairly mediocre, like 50ish life from master vs 100+ from natural. so you can still make a pretty sweet blue item if you got 2 natural rolls of +160% dmg and +20-40 phys, or w/e. then master craft on some t3-t2 values like +15ish attack speed, crit chance and ????.
note: I have never done anything I have suggested, I'm poor AF and don't really care to take part in RNG-rare-currency-spamming. I get mad when I have to use 50 or so of anything, even alterations. at worst, I spam 1-10 chaos on a thing like spiked gloves. nothing decent? oh well. 10% of my wealth is gone.
this game needs real crafting. maybe a bit of RNG because ggg is obsessed with it. something like:
- choose 3 (or 5 if ggg hates us) possible things (lets say: phys dmg, attack speed, crit)
- you will get a roll of any of those 3.
-- could be high-end dmg, or low end. RNG will decide. hopefully not weighted.
-- or it might choose speed, or crit. again, random range
- want another mod? pick 3 ... repeat above
- only room for 1 mod and you need one specific mod? well, pick 3, hope you get lucky.
Last edited by tidbit on Jan 3, 2018, 11:22:43 PM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2018, 10:57:46 PM

Poe Craft Recipe Non Chaos Dmg As Chaos Download

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