Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg

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Movement speed (sometimes abbreviated as move speed or MS) is the speed at which a unit can move over a second. The default movement speed caps are at 100 on the low end, and 550 on the high end, which can be bypassed by only a few abilities.

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So. You want to go fast. Really fast. What if I told you that a character going over 100 miles per hour is not only possible, but laughably pathetic compared to what’s been brewed here? Through the use of several source books and Unearthed Arcana, your character can reach insane speeds. Keep in mind however that we're not building a character who can always run this fast all the time, but instead puts everything into one round, an in-game six seconds.

The Build[edit]

This build uses nearly every official source that can increase a character's speed, even if only by 10 feet.

Tabaxi (Volo’s Guide to Monsters) Tabaxi has a base speed of 30 feet, but its Feline Agility trait can double its speed as a free action, the only limitation is that it must spend a turn moving 0 feet in order to use it again. This doesn’t matter, because we are building a sprinter.
Class Levels
10 Monk, giving a +20 bonus to speed
5 Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior, Elk (Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide)), Fast Movement gives +10, Elk gives +15 while raging
2 Fighter, allowing an action surge,
2 Wizard (Bladesinger) (Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide)
1 Mystic (Celerity Discipline's Psychic focus)
Mobile, gives +10
Longstrider, gives +10 bonus

You now have a base walking speed of 70 feet while not applying any effects to yourself, and a walking speed of 115 while Bladesinging, Raging, and under the effects of Longstrider as well as the Celerity discipline's psychic focus.
You can dash with your action, your bonus action (thanks to the monk’s Step of the Wind), take an additional dash action thanks to Action Surge, and double it all thanks to Feline Agility. This all together allows you to move 920 feet on your turn.
What’s more, you can have readied movement on your previous turn, expending it as a reaction with the condition being some guy saying go, giving you an additional 115 feet on that round, for a total of 1035 feet in one round. Unfortunately, this means that for your rage to have persisted multiple rounds, you must have an enemy attacking you. But, you will do it for the speed.
It does not end there. This is you sprinting across the land naked holding only a sword, without any help. A few simple magic items significantly increases your velocity.

Magic Items
Boots of Speed. These allow you to use your bonus action to double your speed, which lasts for ten minutes.
Potion of Speed. Drinking this potion gives you the effect of the Haste spell for one minute. This doubles your speed, and grants an additional action.

Adding these two items to the build, you have doubled your speed twice, and gained the use of another action, which you can use to dash.
You now have a walking speed of 460. Using your normal action, action surge, haste action, bonus action, and Feline Agility, you can move 4200 feet in one turn. With your readied moving that you expend as a reaction, you can move 5060 feet in one round, or 843 feet per second. That’s 575 miles per hour. Of course, there’s still more to cover.


Your speed obsessed Tabaxi does not have to go alone on this quest for velocity. Have a druid friend that is also level 20 with you, who is in the Circle of Dreams (courtesy of Xanthar's guide to every thing). Druids of the Circle of Dreams gain Balm of the Summer Court, which gives them a pool of d6’s equal to their druid level, and can spend as many as half their druid level at a time to heal an ally. Someone healed by this feature gains a bonus to speed equal to 5 feet per die spent which lasts for 1 minute, effectively increasing our Tabaxi’s walking speed by 50 feet without multipliers.
Along with your druid friend, you also have a level one Alchemist Artificer (from the Artificer Unearthed Arcana). One of the potions that they can conjure up is the Swift Step Draught, which allows the drinker to gain a 20 foot bonus to speed for 1 minute.
Additionally, a Transmuter wizard can create a transmuter's stone at level 6, choosing an effect from a list, and giving whoever holds the stone the chosen effect. One of the effects is an increase of speed of 10 feet while the creature is unencumbered.
Your tabaxi now has a walking speed of 780 before dashing at all. With your normal action, action surge, haste action, bonus action, Feline Agility, and additionally a reaction before all this nonsense, you can move 8580 feet in one round, which is 1430 feet per second, or 975 miles per hour. Here's a fun fact: did you know that the speed of sound at sea level is 767.269 miles per hour? Did you also know that the current land speed record is 763.035 miles per hour as well?
If merely going super sonic only makes your hunger for velocity grow insatiably, well, you’re in luck, because we aren't even close to the maximum speed that fifth edition has in store for us.


Before any features, traits, or magic items, you have a base speed of 30 feet. This, quite frankly, is too slow. Let’s try to pump it up.
We can do this by turning into something that goes faster. Many beasts have speeds of 50, but this too is pathetic. How about 60? My grandmother goes faster. 80? That’s getting a bit warmer.
What if I told you that you can be something that has a base walking speed of 120 feet?
Well, you can.
Volo’s Guide to Monsters presents the Quickling, a tiny chaotic evil fey creature that is known for its high speed and tendency to tie peoples’ shoelaces together.
But, how can you turn into one of these things without losing all of the juicy bonuses we talked about before? All you need to do is cast shapechange to turn into one, and you’ll keep your class, race, and magic item bonuses.
Granted, you are only a level 2 wizard, but this doesn’t stop you from casting shapechange from a spell scroll.
Yes, you’ll need to succeed on a DC 19 Intelligence check or the scroll is wasted, but let’s assume that you succeed, or at least have a bunch of back ups. This also means you don’t get that elk totem warrior’s speed bonus while raging, because you can’t rage and concentrate on spells at the same time. However, the barbarian’s Fast Movement is still good enough to keep. In the end, this will provide a +75 base profit.


So, you’ve turned into a quickling (with a tiny little sword in hand, because no self-respecting bladesinger will go without one). After replacing 30 with 120, and sadly removing the +15 while raging, you achieve a velocity of 11880 feet per round, or 1350 miles per hour. Now surely your thirst for speed has been slaked, right?
Wrong. You need to go faster, and will do absolutely anything to achieve this.
On the table for major beneficial properties for artifacts in the DMG, one of the potential gains is a +10 bonus to your base speed. Let’s assume that your insane little cat man is lucky enough to get this option twice, and attunes to two different artifacts to get this. The tabaxi is now attuned to as many magic items as the rules allow.
What artifacts can you get that allows this benefit? The Eye and Hand of Vecna make a nice pair, so go ahead and take those.
Yes, you’ll need to gouge out an eye and saw off one of your hands, and you’ll become neutral evil, but it’s for the speed, right?

Epic Boons

There is sadly finally one last thing that your crazy, neutral evil, roided up speed dude can acquire to maximize speed. With all this speed already, and after getting a total class level of 20, there is no way that your techniques will go unnoticed by the gods themselves. Your character is capable of attaining a new kind of upgrade at Lv20 known as epic boons (an optional rule provided by the Dungeon Master’s Guide). The Boon of Speed allows a permanent +30 increase to your base walking speed.

Even Faster with rocket boosting

but this mind blowing speed is a speed for mere mortals, for the true maximum you can have other people carry you and drop you once they are at thier max speed thus if on person carrys you up to thier max speed and they also use all these same tricks you can go 28,160 feet in one round. So now to find the maximum possible.

First all of you need to have enlarge/shrink cast on you so that your weight is reduced to 1/8th and the carrying capacity reduction from going to tiny to diminutive reduces your capacity by half. so you net 4x of the amount of people that can be carried total. can be cast by one of your friends if they multi class as a sorcerer.

quickling weight (absolute minimum) + transmuters stone + two artifacts for attunment + Eye and Hand of Vecna + 2x boots of speed + belt of giant strength (storm giant for 29) + potions of speed(40+1+2+2+2+1+2)*.125(50 pounds)*.125= 6.25 pounds each with a carry capacity of (466)*.25=116.5

so you could go 18x as fast in one round. This could be pushed further with the last Quickling not having a belt of giant strength, more strength boosting, larger but still fast creatures carring all the Quickling and larger creatures carring them and so on. So this is the current ceiling but could be improved.

The Grand Total[edit]

Let’s tally it all up:

  • The quickling: base 120
  • Lv 10 monk: +20
  • Lv 5 barbarian: +10
  • Lv 2 bladesinger: +10 (While bladesinging)
  • Lv 1 Mystic: +10 (While focused on Celerity)
  • Mobile Feat: +10
  • Longstrider Spell: +10
  • Lv 20 Druid Friend: +50
  • Lv 1 Artificer (Alchemist) Friend: +20
  • Lv 6 Wizard (Transmuter) Friend: +10
  • Eye of Vecna: +10
  • Hand of Vecna: +10
  • Boon of Speed: +30

This adds up to 320.

  • Potion of speed: x2 (grants additional action)
  • Boots of speed: x2

That creates a staggering walking speed of 1280. What's left is to use your stupid number of actions to increase this.

  • Normal movement: 1280
  • Dash: +1280
  • Action Surge dash: +1280
  • Haste action dash: +1280
  • Bonus action dash: +1280

This gives a current total of 6400.

  • Feline agility: x2
  • Reaction movement: +1280
  • x18 from the carry stack

This gives a grand total of 253,440 feet in one round. That’s an average of 42,240 feet per second. achieving 28,800 mph. That surpasses the speed of the fastest orbital re-entry vehicle which entered at 28,000 mph.

The Verdict

Yeah, that's fast.

But Wait, There's More[edit]

Why have a limit at all though? The article may be about pushing the limits, but why not ignore the limits entirely? Let's talk about infinite resources, and a particularly fun exploit known as the rail gun.

The Rail Gun

How this works is that you decide upon how many ally NPCs you want. For the purpose of this, let's make sure that everyone is strong enough to carry and pass along a gnome with ease, and that there are an unlimited (or an arbitrarily large quantity) of these strong people.
What we do next is line up all of these NPCs, so that they are all within five feet of each other, and forms a one way path. Each of these NPCs will take the ready action. The trigger for this action is that a gnome will be passed along to them, and the specific action taken is that the gnome will be passed along to the next person.
And now, all this chain reaction needs is for the gnome to climb on top of an NPC on one end. That NPC will pass the gnome onto the next person, and that person will do the same, and so on. Because there are no written limits on how many reactions can be taken in one round, the gnome will be passed along the entire chain of NPCs within that one round, covering 5 feet per NPC used in the process.

The Real Verdict?

You reached an infinite speed (assuming an infinite number of NPCs are willing to transport a gnome). Yes, this means that all of the other techniques, features, multiclasses, specific PC allies, magic items, spells, feats, boons, and artifacts talked about above no longer matter.

Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Optimized Character Builds


Now it is time to step beyond the realm of mere algebra, adding and multiplying by increasingly intimidating numbers. Now is the time to transcend to the realm of geometry. Sniffing around the most basic of spells, seeing Longstrider and Expeditious Retreat, it is easy to gloss over the most undervalued spell in the game as far as movement speed: Tenser's Floating Disc. Without abusing Free Actions, picking up and dropping PC's at insane (or infinite) speeds, lets take a look at this wholly kosher spell.

As long as the caster remains within 100ft of the disk, the disk will move within 20ft of the caster, unless impeded by a 10ft change of elevation. Speed is not limited. We cannot abuse the third dimension, because steep stairs or slopes could be ruled to break the connection to the disk.

A track must be specially structured, with 10ft walls moving zig-zag, with a Tiny sized hole for the Quickling to move through. The disk, moving through the maze with 1-inch-thick walls, will travel along semicircles of 100ft radius, moving an additional 2pi100/2 feet for every foot moved by the Quickling.

This means, without the drop-creature, pick-up creature shenanigans, the quickling has a movement speed of 2,346.6ft/s. Every 3 ft (and 1 inch) of movement from the quickling equates to 314.159 feet of movement for Tenser's Floating Disk. Given 760 3'1' sections of the wall per second, the disk moves at 238,971.3 feet per second. Completely legally. No shenanigans with multiple free actions.

In Conclusion

Lastly, Have fun with Mach 212. Set up some supposedly indestructible object at the end of the track. Attach the maximum 500lbs of weight to the disk to achieve 16,534,328 kg m/s of momentum. An average human at terminal velocity has 3,286 kg m/s of momentum, and would take 20d6 damage. Using these calculations, a target at the end of the track who took the brunt of the impact would end up taking 100,635d6 bludgeoning damage. Taking an average of 352,222 damage, this might also be the highest amount of bludgeoning damage achievable in the game.

Retrieved from ''
This information contains features that were to be implemented in Issue 24 and was current as of the game's shut down date.
  • 2Enemy Types
    • 2.1Bosses
    • 2.2Heroes
    • 2.3Contact


These heroes are Praetorians who have been recruited by Provost Marchand to show the people of Primal Earth that the Praetorians can do good, and to help integrate the Praetorian refugees into the Primal Earth society.

Enemy Types


Alec Parson

Alec Parson

Main Article:Alec Parson

Alec Parson was once a senior forensic scientist working for MICIR, the Ministry of Information Criminal Investigation and Research, in Praetoria. He has a passion for robotics and all things Clockwork related. He helped Longbow mass produce their own version of Praetoria's Clockwork. In addition, Alec Parson has his own, personally built, Clockwork and rifle that he uses to defend himself and others. After seeing all the atrocities that were spread by the Clockwork in the Praetorian War, Parson believes that it's time to show the people the good that technology and Clockwork can do for the world.


Clockwork Army Summon Clockwork
You teleport up to three Clockwork to your location to provide support in battle situations.

Clockwork Soldier A
These specialized Clockwork serve as baseline soldiers in Alec Parson's personal Clockwork Army, and are equipped with a Plasma Blaster and Welding Ray.
Plasma Blast Ranged, High DoT (Energy), Foe -Regen
You fire a plasma blast at your target. This causes energy damage and lowers the target's regeneration.
Plasma Ray Ranged (Narrow Cone), High DMG(Energy) -Rec (Foe)
You fire a concentrated ray of plasma that pierces multiple targets. Affected targets suffer energy damage and reduced recovery.
Clockwork Soldier B
These specialized Clockwork serve as baseline soldiers in Alec Parson's personal Clockwork Army, and are equipped with a Plasma Cannon that fires Rays and Sprays.
Plasma Spray Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT (Energy), -Regen (Foe)
You fire a plasma spray in a wide cone in front of you. Affected targets within the spray suffer energy damage over time and reduced regeneration.
Welding Ray Ranged, Superior DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense
You fire your welding ray at a single target. The target suffers energy damage and reduced defenses.
Clockwork Support A
These support Clockwork serve to provide Alec Parson backup in battle, especially in the maintenance and repair of its fellow Clockwork. This model is equipped with a Particle Blaster and a Nano Repair module.
Particle Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), Minor DoT (Energy)
You fire a blast from your shoulder mounted particle weapon. This causes energy damage to the target. The blast does not immediately dissipate all particles on contact with the target, allowing additional energy damage to occur over time after the initial blast.
Nano Repair Ranged (Ally), Heal
You heal a single targeted ally with nanites released from your shoulder cannon. These nanites continue to perform additional repairs over time, though with less strength than the initial action.
Clockwork Support B
These support Clockwork serve to provide Alec Parson backup in battle, especially in the maintenance and repair of its fellow Clockwork. This model is equipped with a Particle Cannon and a Quick Repair module.
Particle Spray Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Energy)
Android Menders are capable of firing a blast from their shoulder mounted particle weapon. Enemies struck by this attack will suffer energy damage and additional energy damage over time.
Quick Repair Melee, Resurrect (Ally)
You can fully repair a fallen Clockwork ally, giving it full health and endurance.

Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), -Regen (Foe) Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You fire a single blast from your beam rifle, causing energy damage and lowering your target's regeneration rate. There is also a chance that you will knock your target down.

Charged Shot Ranged, HighDMG(Energy), -Rec (Foe), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You charge up your beam rifle and fire a concentrated blast of energy at a single target. This causes energy damage and lowers your target's recovery. There is also a chance that your target may be knocked down.

Cutting Beam Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Energy), -DEF (Foe, All), Chance for Moderate DoT (Energy)
You fire a constant stream of energy from your weapon, sweeping it in a broad arc to blast all foes in a wide cone in front of you. This causes energy damage and lowers the defense of affected targets. There is a chance that your target will continue to suffer energy damage briefly after the initial burst of energy damage.

Repair Ranged, Heal (Pet)
You adjust the plasma stream of your beam rifle to release a nanite infused beam that will restore the health of a single damaged pet.

Piercing Beam Ranged (Narrow Cone), Superior DMG (Energy), -RES (Foe, All), Chance for Moderate DMG (Energy)
You fire a supercharged beam of energy in a narrow cone that pierces up to 3 enemies. Each affected enemy suffers energy damage and reduced resistance to all forms of damage. There is also a chance that there is an additional burst of energy that causes extra energy damage on a target.

Overcharged Beam Ranged (Targeted AoE), Extreme DMG(Energy), Minor DoT (Energy), -DEF (Foe, All), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You overcharge your beam rifle, releasing the accumulated power in a massive blast of energy targeted at your foes. This blast erupts on hitting the target, causing energy damage and significantly lowering the defenses of all foes caught in the burst. There is also a lingering damage over time effect, but this is much less powerful than the initial burst. Additionally, there is a strong chance that affected targets will be stunned.

Aurora Pena

Aurora Pena

Main Article:Aurora Pena

Aurora Pena was once known as Mother Mayhem in Praetoria. She was the body that Praetoria's Shalice Tilman used for many years to spread her thought control amongst the populace. Aurora was freed from her prison and now seeks to make up for the horrors that Mother Mayhem committed with her own body.


Psionic Lash Ranged (Close), Moderate DMG (Psionic), Minor DoT (Fire), -Rech (Foe), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You channel energy into your whip and lash out at your foe, dealing high energy damage and causing fire damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks. It will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target.

Psionic Thrash Ranged (Short Cone), High DMG(Psionic), High DoT (Fire), -Speed (Foe, All), Chance for Knockback
You create a whip of pure psionic energy and make an impressive sweep, causing psionic damage to enemies within a wide cone. Affected targets are seared by this attack and suffer additional fire damage over time. They also are unable to fly and suffer both reduced movement and attack speed. There is also a chance that affected targets will be knocked back.

Psionic Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG (Psionic), -Rech(Foe)
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing damage and increasing recharge time.

Psionic Vortex Ranged (Targeted AoE), High DoT (Psionic), Knockup (Foe), -Rech (Foe)
You unleash a whirling vortex of psionic energy at your target, causing the target and those near them to be afflicted with psionic damage over time. Additionally, all affected targets are knocked into the air and suffer reduced attack speed.

Psionic Break Ranged, Moderate DMG (Psionic), Minor DoT (Lethal), -Regen (Foe)
You channel psionic energy into the body of your target, creating a false injury within their mind. The target takes psionic damage and experiences reduced regeneration. Their mind makes the pain of the injury real, causing the target to also suffer lethal damage over time.


Psionic Lightning Ranged, Moderate DMG (Psionic), -End (Foe)
You cause a bolt of psionic energy to strike your foe, dealing heavy damage. These bolts also have a chance to drain the enemy's endurance.

Psionic Pulse PBAoE, High to Superior DMG (Psionic), -Rech (Foe), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You unleash a powerful pulse of psionic energy that strikes all targets around you. This pulse is of variable strength, but always deals a significant amount of psionic damage and reduces the attack speed of affected targets. There is also a high chance that affected targets will be stunned.

Psionic Slow Ranged, Moderate DoT (Psionic), -End (Foe), Immobilize (Foe)
You ensnare your target in a field of collapsing psionic energy. They are immobilized and suffer continuous damage and endurance loss.

Psionic Sear Ranged, Moderate DoT (Psionic), Heal Self, -Heal(Foe)
You hold your target with your psionic whip, preventing them from moving. While they helplessly tremble under your gaze, you are healed while they suffer psionic and fire damage over time. The affected target is also made highly resistant to healing.

Grant Creston

Grant Creston

Main Article:Grant Creston

Grant Creston was once a commander within the Imperial Defense Force, until he defected to help the citizens of First Ward. Creston had discovered that instead of helping the citizens, the IDF were using the area as a training ground. With the destruction of Praetoria, Grant Creston has met with his former mentor, Provost Marchand, who explained that his own rule over the armies was overriden by Emperor Cole. Now, Grant Creston is out to show the people of Primal Earth that there were, and still are, honorable soldiers within the Imperial Defense Force, and that they can be a force for good in their world.


Plasma Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets to deliver a powerful punch to your target. This causes smashing and energy damage. It also has a chance to knock your target down.

Plasma Smasher Melee, High DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets to deliver an extremely strong blow with both of your fists. This attack deals smashing and energy damage. It also has a high chance to stun your target.

Plasma Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Fire), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets, firing a small blast of plasma at a single target. The target suffers energy damage and is set ablaze, suffering additional fire damage over time. The target may also be knocked down by the attack.

Plasma Spray Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Energy), Minor DoT (Fire), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets, firing a stream of plasma that can strike multiple targets in front of you. Affected targets suffer energy damage and are set ablaze, suffering additional fire damage over time. Affected targets may also be knocked down by the attack.

IDF Armor Auto (Self), +RES(All)
Your IDF battle armor grants you improved resistance to all forms of damage.

Plasma Vortex PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smashing/Energy), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets and whirl around, swinging your fists in a wide arc, hitting multiple targets. Affected targets suffer energy and smashing damage and may be briefly stunned.

Plasma Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Minor DoT (Fire), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
You charge up your plasma gauntlets, firing a large burst of plasma at a single target. The target suffers energy damage and is set ablaze, suffering additional fire damage over time. The target may also be knocked down by the attack.

Summon Battle Orb Summon Battle Orb
You summon a Battle Orb to assist you. The Battle Orb that arrives may be one of three varieties.

Battle Orb Mk I
Battle Orbs are equipped with a wide variety of equipment loads. Some units serve a defensive and support oriented role, while others are more about bringing additional suppressive fire and offense.
Plasma Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy), -Regen (Foe)
You fire a small blast of plasma at a single target, causing energy damage and reducing regeneration.
Shield Generator Auto (Self/Allies), +DEF (All), +RES (Immobilize, Stun)
You create a bubble that amplifies the defenses of all nearby allies and yourself. The bubble also protects allies inside from immobilize and stun effects.

Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg Free

Plasmatic Immobilizer Ranged (Cone), Minor DoT (Energy), Immobilize (Foe)
You fire an immobilizing blast in a cone in front of you that causes energy damage and prevents your affected targets from moving.
Deploy Stimulant Ranged, Heal (Ally), +RES (Stun, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Confuse, Terrorize)
You heal a single targeted ally while also removing any crowd control effects and granting resistance to further crowd control effects for a short time.
Battle Orb Mk II
Battle Orbs are equipped with a wide variety of equipment loads. Some units serve a defensive and support oriented role, while others are more about bringing additional suppressive fire and offense.
Plasma Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy), -Regen (Foe)
You fire a small blast of plasma at a single target, causing energy damage and reducing regeneration.
Sonic Augmentation Auto (Self/Allies), +DMG (All), +ToHit
You create a bubble that amplifies the damage and chance to hit of all nearby allies and yourself.
Plasma Spray Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG (Energy), -Regen (Foe)
You unleash a spray of plasma that affects multiple targets in a cone in front of you. Affected targets suffer energy damage and reduced regeneration.
Battle Orb Mk III
Battle Orbs are equipped with a wide variety of equipment loads. Some units serve a defensive and support oriented role, while others are more about bringing additional suppressive fire and offense.
Resuscitator Resurrect (Ally)
You revive an ally with a good amount of health and endurance.
Plasmatic Stunner Ranged, Minor DMG (Energy), Stun (Foe)
You fire a blast of plasma at a single target, causing energy damage and stunning your target.

Plasma Grenade Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT (Energy/Fire)
You throw a plasma grenade at a single target. This grenade explodes into a field of plasma which burns any targets caught within the field.



Main Article:Pendragon

Pendragon was once a proud knight within the Black Knights. He went through a series of trials in which he claimed the Praetorian Excalibur. Unfortunately, the sword was cursed by Black Swan and nearly consumed him. Desdemona and the Carnival of Light, only through the aid of a super powered individual, released Pendragon from the cursed sword. Pendragon's sin was cast away from him, allowing him to ascend to true knighthood. He accompanied the Carnival of Light to Primal Earth and now seeks to use his abilities to save the people of Primal Earth and erase his sordid past with the Black Knights.


Defensive Sweep Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Smashing), +DEF (Self, Melee, Smashing), +ToHit (Self), Chance for -Rech (Foe)
You quickly strike your opponent from a defensive position, causing smashing damage. The force of the blow also has a chance to slow their response time. Additionally, your chance to hit and your defense against melee and smashing attacks is increased for a short time.

Crushing Blow Melee, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Minor DoT (Lethal), -Speed (Foe, All), -Fly (Foe)
You swing your weapon at your target with tremendous force. The blow causes smashing damage and internal trauma, which causes lethal damage over time. The target also suffers a reduction in movement speed and ability to fly.

Shockwave Strike Melee, High DMG (Smashing), Chance for -Regen (Foe), -Rec (Foe), Knockback (Foe)
You swing your weapon in a wide arc and create a shockwave that travels in the direction of your target. Opponents hit by the shockwave suffer smashing damage. Targets may also be knocked back and suffer a brief reduction in their regeneration and recovery.

Taunt Ranged (Targeted AoE), Taunt (Foe), -Range (Foe)
You taunt a targeted foe, potentially drawing the attention of that foe and all those around them. All targets will have their effective range reduced, while some will be able to focus on no other attacker but you.

Follow Through Melee (Targeted AoE), High DMG (Smashing), Moderate DoT (Lethal), Chance for Knockup (Foe), -Fly(Foe)
You channel your energy into an especially powerful swing. This swing does significant smashing damage and causes sufficient trauma to induce lethal damage due to internal bleeding.

Shatter Armor Melee (Targeted AoE), Superior DMG (Smashing), -DEF (Foe, All), -RES (Foe, All)
You batter your enemy with your weapon, causing significant smashing damage and temporarily debilitating their defenses and resistances.

Arc of Devastation Melee (Cone), High DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockdown (Foe), Stun (Foe), -Rech (Foe), -ToHit (Foe)
You swing your weapon in a powerful arc which deals smashing damage to all in the way. There is also a chance that the target may be knocked down and stunned. If stunned, the opponent will also suffer reductions in attack speed and recharge rate.

Tectonic Assault Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DoT (Smashing), -Fly (Foe)
You thrust your weapon into the ground with tremendous force. This energy is released at a nearby foe, creating a miniature earthquake at their location.



Main Article:Riptide

Riptide was once a well known member of the Powers Divison within Praetoria. He was known as one of the few 'Top Dogs' who was not out for fame, but instead out to uphold his honor and serve his people. Riptide was arrested by the authorities in Paragon for his role in the attacks on Talos Island. It was only through the intervention of Provost Marchand that Riptide was released under his care. Marchand vouched that Riptide, for all that he did, was a soldier, and an honorable one. All Riptide needed was a commander whose honor matched his. The authorities agreed to allow Riptide out while under the careful watch of Provost Marchand. However, they warned that should Riptide, much like Marauder, do anything wrong, they would not hesitate to put him back in the Zig.


Barb Swipe Melee, Minor DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You shred a single target with a spine emerging from your arm. The affected target suffers lethal damage and is poisoned. This poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.

Lunge Melee, Moderate DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You lunge forward, stabbing and poisoning a foe with the large spine on your arm. The affected target suffers lethal damage and is poisoned. This poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.

Impale Ranged, High DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), -Fly(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You throw a single large spine at a targeted foe. The affected target suffers lethal damage and is poisoned. The force of the spine's impact will also bring flying targets to the ground. The poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.

Coruscating Armor Auto (Self), +RES(Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy)
You are encased in a field of coruscating energy that provides resistance to all forms of damage except psionic and toxic.

Bioelectric Field Auto (PBAoE), Minor DMG(Energy), -End(Foe)
You emit a continuous field of electricity with deals energy damage to and drains the endurance of any foes caught within the field of effect.

Spine Throw Ranged (Cone), High DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You throw dozens of spines in a wide cone in front of you, impaling foes caught within the range. Affected targets suffer lethal damage and are poisoned. This poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.

Spine Burst PBAoE, High DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You fling dozens of spines in a sphere around yourself, hitting multiple nearby targets. Affected targets suffer lethal damage and are poisoned. This poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.

Bioelectric Fence Ranged, Moderate DoT(Energy), -End (Foe), Immobilize (Foe), Chance for -Rec(Foe)
You surrounds a target in an Electric Fence, immobilizing them and dealing energy damage over time. This attack also drains endurance from your target and may reduce their recovery rate.

Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg Download

Ripper Melee (Cone), High DMG (Lethal), -Speed(Foe,All), -Rech(Foe), Chance for Minor DoT (Toxic), Immobilize (Foe)
You unleash a spectacular slashing maneuver that attacks all foes in a wide arc in front of you. Affected targets suffer lethal damage and are poisoned. This poison slows an affected target's movement and attack speeds. It may also cause immobilization and additional toxic damage over time.


Noble Savage

Noble Savage

Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg 3

Main Article:Noble Savage

After escaping Praetoria, the Noble Savage realized that he was free of the suffering that was his lot while within Praetoria. News of his good deeds throughout Praetoria filtered readily to the commission responsible for addressing the Praetorian refugees, and for once, he was welcomed openly. This, in turn, gave the Noble Savage a renewed purpose in life: to continue his role as leader of the Forlorn, using this force to aid in the defense of the world that welcomed him. Though not fully a member of the New Praetorians, he identifies readily with their aims and is willing to join them from time to time if called upon to serve, but generally he works on behalf of the people of Primal Earth.


Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg 2

Jab Melee, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You strike your target with a quick jab. This causes smashing damage and has a small chance to stun the target.

Punch Melee, High DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You strike your target with a strong punch. This causes smashing damage and has the potential to knock the target back.

Hurl Ranged, Superior DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You pull a mass of earth from the ground and throw it at a single target. The target suffers smashing damage and may be knocked back.

Metabolic Superiority Auto (Self), +Regen, Chance for Heal
Your superior metabolism increases your base regeneration rate. This is so powerful an effect that there is a small chance that it will occasionally heal you outright.

Integration Auto (Self), +RES(Knock, Stun, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize), +Regen
You can integrate your mind and body, making you resistant to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization effects. This also increases your regeneration rate, but the effect is suppressed if you are affected by controls like Hold, Sleep or Stun.

Foot Stomp PBAoE, High DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
Using your superior leg strength, you can stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. Any targets around you affected by this attack suffer smashing damage and may be knocked down.

Haymaker Melee, Superior DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You strike your target with a powerful haymaker. This causes smashing damage and may knock your target back.

Dull Pain Self, +MaxHP
Using your superior metabolism, you can make yourself more resilient to pain, allowing you to suffer more damage before being defeated. When you activate this power you will increase your maximum Hit Points for a couple of minutes.



Main Article:Marauder

Michael White grew up with one rule: the strong make the rules. He was once a Praetor within Praetoria, but that all came crashing down during the Praetorian War. He attempted to hold the line in the battle for Lambda Sector with the support of Praetor Berry's 'super serum'. White was defeated and forced to retreat. He found out later that Berry's serum came at a grave cost; his strength and stamina were both sapped from him; White could barely run twenty feet without getting winded. Provost Marchand and a super powered individual rescued White from the clutches of Hamidon and White was put under Provost Marchand's care for probation. Michael White defected to the Council to have his abilities restored, then delivered key information to Provost Marchand, revealing that he was merely using them for his own gain. Michael White is now a member of the New Praetorians, though he knows that he is one move away from being placed in the Zig.


Punch Melee, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You strike your target with a strong punch. This causes smashing damage and has the potential to knock the target back.

Haymaker Melee, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You strike your target with a powerful haymaker. This causes smashing damage and may knock your target back.

Uppercut Melee, Superior DMG (Smashing), Knockup (Foe), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You perform a jaw breaking Crushing Uppercut on your target inflicting Extreme Smashing damage and knocking them into the air. Crushing Uppercut will leave the target disoriented for a short time. Crushing Uppercut is a Finisher and will set your Combo Level to 0. It will deal additional damage and have a longer disorient duration dependent upon the current Combo Level. At Combo Level 3, Crushing Uppercut will have its disorient effect upgraded to a Hold effect. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Slow

Hurl Ranged, Superior DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockback (Foe)
You pull a mass of earth from the ground and throw it at a single target. The target suffers smashing damage and may be knocked back.

Hand Clap PBAoE, Knockback (Foe), Chance for Stun (Foe)
Using your massive strength, you clap your hands together with such power that you create a shockwave which knocks foes around you back. There is also a chance that affected targets are stunned.

Foot Stomp PBAoE, High DMG (Smashing), Chance for Knockdown (Foe)
Using your superior leg strength, you can stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. Any targets around you affected by this attack suffer smashing damage and may be knocked down.

Chemical Grenade Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT (Fire), -Rech(Foe)
You throw a chemical grenade at a single target. This grenade explodes into an incendiary field that causes fire damage and reduces the attack speed of any targets caught within the field.

Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg 1

Nova Fist PBAoE, Extreme DMG (Smashing/Energy), Knockback (Foe), Chance for Stun (Foe)
You slam the ground, unleashing a wave of energy that devastates the foes around you. This causes smashing and energy damage, as well as knocking affected foes back. Affected targets will be stunned by the force of this attack.


Provost Marchand

Movement Speed Or Ability Dmg 8

Provost Marchand

Provost Marchand was the former leader of the military for Praetoria. He was against a war with Primal Earth and had the majority of his say in all military matters taken away from him by Emperor Cole. Provost Marchand was brought to Primal Earth by Vanguard and helped organize the forces against the final attack on the Magisterium. He has proven himself to be a trustworthy and honorable man. The authorities of Paragon honored his request to form a new supergroup called the New Praetorians, but warned Marchand that they would be keeping a very close eye on his organization.

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