List Of 5e Cold Dmg Spells

I was wondering if anyone has made a list of spells for 5e sorted by the type of damage they do or their relation to a particular element. It would be very helpful to have such a list available. We could also sort spells by other categories too, like summoning or raising.

From the DMG, pg.110: EXTREME COLD. Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The wielder of this blade is immune to the effects of extreme cold and heat(as descripted in the 5e DMG pp. When you hit with this weapon, you deal an extra 1d8 fire and 1d8 cold damage. As an action, you can thrust the blade into the ground and cause a wall of blue fire and red ice to erupt from the ground as per the wall of ice spell. Complete list of all D&D spells, rulebooks, feats, classes and more! D&D tools 1 Feats. Prestige Classes. » Spells » Spell Descriptors » Cold. Spells with Cold descriptor ‹‹ previous 1 2 3.

If anyone would be kind enough to post a list or even part of one, I will include it in the OP for easier viewing.
I'll try starting out.
Fire Spells
*This list now includes all spells from the Player's Handbook, Elemental Evil Player's Companion and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

- Create Bonfire (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
- Control Flames (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Fire Bolt (Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Green-Flame Blade (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
- Produce Flame (Druid)
1st level:
- Absorb Elements (potentially) (Druid, Ranger, Wizard)
- Burning Hands (Light Cleric, Way of the Four Elements Monk, Sorcerer, Fiend Pact Warlock, Wizard)
- Searing Smite (Paladin)
2nd level:
- Aganazzar’s Scorcher (Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Continual Flame (Cleric, Wizard)
- Flame Blade (Druid)
- Flaming Sphere (Druid, Wizard)
- Heat Metal (Bard, Druid)
- Pyrotechnics (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Scorching Ray (Light Cleric, Sorcerer, Fiend Pact Warlock, Wizard)
3rd level:
- Elemental Weapon (Paladin)
- Fireball (Light Cleric, Way of the Four Elements Monks, Sorcerer, Fiend Pact Warlock, Wizard)
- Flame Arrows (Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Melf’s Minute Meteors (Sorcerer, Wizard)
4th level:
- Elemental Bane (potentially) (Druid, Warlock, Wizard)
- Fire Shield (Fiend Pact Warlock, Wizard)
- Wall of Fire (Light Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Fiend Pact Warlock, Wizard)
5th level:
- Flame Strike (Cleric, Fiend Pact Warlock)
- Immolation (Sorcerer, Wizard)
6th level:
- Investiture of Flame (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
7th level:
- Delayed Blast Fireball (Sorcerer, Wizard)
- Fire Storm (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer)
8th level:
- Incendiary Cloud (Sorcerer, Wizard)
9th level:
- Meteor Swarm (Sorcerer, Wizard)
List Of 5e Cold Dmg Spells
I'm also going to include a list of creatures that resist, are immune to or are vulnerable to each damage type, for more convenience:

- Banshee
- Shadow Demon
- Water Elemental
- Marid
- Ghost
- Half-Black/Copper Dragon
- Gray Ooze
- Ochre Jelly
- Shadow
- Slaad Tadpole
- Red Slaad
- Blue Slaad
- Green Slaad
- Gray Slaad
- Death Slaad
- Specter
- Will-o-wisp
- Wraith
- Cambion
- Balor
- Barlgura
- Chasme
- Glabrezu
- Goristro
- Hezrou
- Marilith
- Nalfeshnee
- Quasit
- Vrock
- Yochlol
- Barbed Devil
- Bearded Devil
- Bone Devil
- Chain Devil
- Erinyes
- Horned Devil
- Imp
- Lemure
- Pit Fiend
- Spined Devil
- Marid
- Storm Giant
- Night Hag
- Half-Silver/White Dragon
- Lich
- Gray Ooze
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Slaad Tadpole
- Red Slaad
- Blue Slaad
- Green Slaad
- Gray Slaad
- Death Slaad
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Will-o-wisp
- Wraith
- Arcanaloth
- Mezzoloth
- Nycaloth
- Ultraloth
- Banshee
- Cambion
- Barlgura
- Chasme
- Glabrezu
- Goristro
- Hezrou
- Marilith
- Nalfeshnee
- Quasit
- Shadow Demon
- Vrock
- Yochlol
- Dragon Turtle
- Ghost
- Night Hag
- Half-Brass/Gold/Red Dragon
- Gray Ooze
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Slaad Tadpole
- Red Slaad
- Blue Slaad
- Green Slaad
- Gray Slaad
- Death Slaad
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Water Weird
- Will-o-wisp
- Wraith
- Arcanaloth
- Mezzoloth
- Nycaloth
- Ultraloth
- Banshee
- Cambion
- Balor
- Barlgura
- Chasme
- Glabrezu
- Goristro
- Hezrou
- Marilith
- Nalfeshnee
- Quasit
- Yochlol
- Air Elemental
- Flameskull
- Marid
- Ghost
- Half-Blue/Bronze Dragon
- Lich
- Shadow
- Slaad Tadpole
- Red Slaad
- Blue Slaad
- Green Slaad
- Gray Slaad
- Death Slaad
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Wraith
- Arcanaloth
- Mezzoloth
- Nycaloth
- Ultraloth
- Shadow Demon
- Dracolich
- Shadow Dragon
- Flameskull
- Ghast
- Lich
- Revenant
- Vampire
- Vampire Spawn
- Wight
- Will-o-wisp
- Cambion
- Half-Green Dragon
- Succubus/Incubus
- Assassin
- Revenant
- Deva
- Planetar
- Solar
- Coutal
- Banshee
- Shadow Demon
- Air Elemental
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Slaad Tadpole
- Red Slaad
- Blue Slaad
- Green Slaad
- Gray Slaad
- Death Slaad
- Specter
- Will-o-wisp
- Wraith

- Black Dragon
- Copper Dragon
- Clay Golem
- Mimic
- Black Pudding
- Arcanaloth
- Mezzoloth
- Nycaloth
- Ultraloth
- Banshee
- Shadow Demon
- Ice Devil
- White Dragon
- Silver Dragon
- Flameskull
- Ghost
- Frost Giant
- Ice Mephit
- Black Pudding
- Young Remorhaz
- Remorhaz
- Yeti
- Abominable Yeti
- Winter Wolf
- Azer
- Balor
- Barbed Devil
- Bearded Devil
- Bone Devil
- Chain Devil
- Erinyes
- Horned Devil
- Ice Devil
- Imp
- Lemure
- Pit Fiend
- Spined Devil
- Red Dragon
- Brass Dragon
- Gold Dragon
- Fire Elemental
- Flameskull
- Efreeti
- Fire Giant
- Iron Golem
- Hell Hound
- Magmin
- Magma Mephit
- Smoke Mephit
- Steam Mephit
- Nightmare
- Young Remorhaz
- Remorhaz
- Fire Snake
- Salamander
- Tarrasque
- Helmed Horror
- Behir
- Shadow Demon
- Blue Dragon
- Bronze Dragon
- Djinni
- Storm Giant
- Flesh Golem
- Grell
- Kraken
- Black Pudding
- Ochre Jelly
- Shambling Mound
- Solar
- Banshee
- Death Knight
- Demilich
- Ghost
- Necrotic
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Shadow
- Specter
- Wraith
- Solar
- Animated Armor
- Flying Sword
- Rug of Smothering
- Azer
- Banshee
- Death Tyrant
- Chuul
- Crawling Claw
- Death Knight
- Demilich
- Balor
- Barlgura
- Chasme
- Dretch
- Glabrezu
- Goristro
- Hezrou
- Manes
- Marilith
- Nalfeshnee
- Quasit
- Shadow Demon
- Vrock
- Yochlol
- Barbed Devil
- Bearded Devil
- Bone Devil
- Chain Devil
- Erinyes
- Horned Devil
- Ice Devil
- Imp
- Lemure
- Pit Fiend
- Spined Devil
- Dracolich
- Green Dragon
- Air Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Fire Elemental
- Water Elemental
- Flameskull
- Gas Spore
- Galeb Duhr
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Ghast
- Ghoul
- Clay Golem
- Flesh Golem
- Iron Golem
- Stone Golem
- Helmed Horror
- Homunculus
- Invisible Stalker
- Lich
- Dust Mephit
- Ice Mephit
- Magma Mephit
- Mud Mephit
- Smoke Mephit
- Steam Mephit
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Quaggoth Spore Servant
- Bone Naga
- Spirit Naga
- Guardian Naga
- Quaggoth
- Revenant
- Scarecrow
- Shadow
- Shield Guardian
- Skeleton
- Minotaur Skeleton
- Warhorse Skeleton
- Specter
- Tarrasque
- Unicorn
- Water Weird
- Wight
- Wraith
- Yuan-Ti Abomination
- Yuan-Ti Malison
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood
- Arcanaloth
- Mezzoloth
- Nycaloth
- Ultraloth
- Zombie
- Ogre Zombie
- Beholder Zombie
- Animated Armor
- Flying Sword
- Rug of Smothering
- Coutal
- Demilich
- Clay Golem
- Iron Golem
- Stone Golem
- Androsphinx
- Gynosphinx
- Djinni
- Storm Giant

- Magma Mephit
- Fire Snake
- Salamander
- Needle Blight
- Twig Blight
- Vine Blight
- Dust Mephit
- Ice Mephit
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Scarecrow
- Treant
- Awakened Shrub
- Awakened Tree
- Flumph
- Shadow Demon
- Shadow
- Earth Elemental

Let me know if I missed any spells. Thanks for your time!

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This category contains spells and powers with the 'cold' descriptor and other cold energy effects.

Pages in category 'Cold Effect'

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