How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01

Feb 08, 2010  i recently bought a original gameboy (dmg-01) and the screen was missing lines vertically, i knew how to fix it so i opened the gb up and undid the screen but in doing so the entire screen turned black bar a few horizontal lines on the bottom. How to fix vertical lines on an original Game Boy screen. Look for any missing screws, there are six used to hold the shell together. (DMG-01) Troubleshooting. From the man page: -m, -ignore-missing, -fix-missing Ignore missing packages; if packages cannot be retrieved or fail the integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back. What does apt-get -fix-missing do and when is it useful? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. Convert one line values to multiple lines.

Fix disks not mounting problem | 15 comments | Create New Account

How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01 10

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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

For those of you who are annoyed at the seeming inability to change your hostname to something besides 'localhost' through standard tools, this is the non-standard tool you must use. Change the line 'HOSTNAME=-AUTOMATIC-' to 'HOSTNAME=<myhost>', replacing <myhost> with whatever you want.
There are no GUI tools to do this, not even NetInfo manager. This has worked fine for me so far.
One final note - if your machine is a server with a static IP and an entry in a DNS, leaving it as -AUTOMATIC- is OK. -AUTOMATIC- causes a reverse DNS lookup for the machine's IP.

Changing this file doesn't seem to do anything...
Certain things can be done thru System Preferences (eg., want to activate ssh server? just allow remote login in sharing preferences, if you already have it (previous to the update) then deactivate and activate it again).
If you want to change the localhost name, you need to do it in NetInfo and reboot (Ugly: rebooting is for installing new hardware!)

I can't install any new software, I am getting the following Disk Copy error on all .img & .dmg files:
'You have inserted a disk containing volumes that macosx can't read. To use the unreadable volumes, click initialize. To use only the rest of the disk, click continue.'
My 'etc/hostconfig' file looks exactly like the one shown above, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

Here is my console log showing the failure to install 3 files [logged in as root]: TinkerTool, XOptimize, Sharity.
Apr 18 10:02:19 localhost WindowServer[51]: MPHWBlit Composite: surface copy fails (-536870201) ... disabling.
file://localhost/System/Library/Extensions/msdosfs.kext/ is not a valid kernel extension bundle.
file://localhost/System/Library/Extensions/msdosfs.kext/ is not a valid kernel extension bundle.
file://localhost/System/Library/Extensions/webdav_fs.kext/ is not a valid kernel extension bundle.
file://localhost/System/Library/Extensions/webdav_fs.kext/ is not a valid kernel extension bundle.
hfs: unknown user id: unknown
Apr 18 10:02:39 localhost autodiskmount[78]: DiskVolume_mount_foreign: There is a filesystem error with the device disk1 which was attempting to mount at /Volumes/TinkerTool12a
Apr 18 10:02:39 localhost autodiskmount[78]: disk1 ??? hfs no no TinkerTool12a [not mounted]
hfs: unknown user id: unknown
Apr 18 10:03:20 localhost autodiskmount[78]: DiskVolume_mount_foreign: There is a filesystem error with the device disk1 which was attempting to mount at /Volumes/TinkerTool12a
Apr 18 10:03:20 localhost autodiskmount[78]: disk1 ??? hfs no no TinkerTool12a [not mounted]
hfs: unknown user id: unknown
Apr 18 10:05:31 localhost autodiskmount[78]: DiskVolume_mount_foreign: There is a filesystem error with the device disk1 which was attempting to mount at /Volumes/Xoptimize v0.1
Apr 18 10:05:31 localhost autodiskmount[78]: disk1 ??? hfs no no Xoptimize v0.1 [not mounted]
hfs: unknown user id: unknown
Apr 18 10:06:55 localhost autodiskmount[78]: DiskVolume_mount_foreign: There is a filesystem error with the device disk1 which was attempting to mount at /Volumes/Sharity.2.4
Apr 18 10:06:55 localhost autodiskmount[78]: disk1 ??? hfs no no Sharity.2.4 [not mounted]

To mount the disks without restarting type: It should mount all volumes and list them too. They don't seem to show up in the finder right away, but you can force them to by then typing: which should open them all.
It'd been driving me mad for days!

How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01 Download

Are you sure that this isn't another problem that has been there before you changed the hostconfig file? I ask this because for me it had been the case.


Pasting in the hostconfig file worked for solving my problems with the disk images not mounting. Being a rookie with the terminal it took me a couple of trys to get things in right.
After restarting to use the new hostconfig, now I can't access the Sharing settings in the System Preferences. Whenever I choose them, System Preferences quits. Any ideas on how to fix this?

check the file access settings:
ls -al /etc/hostconfig
should be:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 472 Jun 29 14:07 /etc/hostconfig
if its not like that then do:
chmod 644 /etc/hostconfig
(as root ofcourse)
hope this helps

my hostconfig file had about 4 entries... i just replaced it with yours, restarted, and... bingo! it works! ripping a CD in the background as i type this :-)
this is one if the reasons i will never be able to go back to OS 9. it drives me crazy when the system comes to a crunching halt every time the CD spins up. but i disgress...
thanks so much!

i've tried every remedy i can find out there -including all of these and one from macfixit.
nothing works.
cannot mount .img or .dmg.
i hope this gets more airplay.

I too am in the same rowboat brother. If you find a fix email me at

None of the methods above have worked for me. After 'upgrading' to 10.2 my Firewire HD would not mount. Nothing would change that, so I did a clean install and everything worked fine- for 1.5 days. iPhoto crashed my system (another poor app I believe) and when I restarted I was back to not having a Firewire drive.
Replacing the contents of hostconfig had no effect, and the autodiskmount -v -a command produces this output:
Some fsck failed!
DiskDev FileSys Fixed Write Volume Name Mounted On
disk0s2 hfs yes yes Shaguar /
disk0s3 hfs yes yes WTC /Volumes/WTC
disk1 hfs yes yes The Boot [not mounted]
I have no idea what to do and am very close to installing 10.1.5 on my free partition and getting rid of 10.2
Any help is greatly appreciated.

I accidentally cut power to a FireWire drive, which brought my PowerBook to a grinding halt. When I restarted, Mac OS X (10.2.8) wouldn't mount optical discs or disk images.

Indeed, my /etc/hostconfig file was missing an AUTODISKMOUNT line. Replacing it and restarting fixed the problem.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sketching Missing Lines

I was missing lines from hostconfig as well, great stuff thanks -- worked a treat.

Your file system might have corrupted due to which disk is unable to mount data and not able to access any record. Disk Utility will be benificial but of it fails you need to reinstall the OS X but before that make sure that you recover your data successfully. That can be doen using OS X Data Recovery software. I am sure it will help you out.

How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01 1

i recently bought a original gameboy (dmg-01) and the screen was missing lines vertically, i knew how to fix it so i opened the gb up and undid the screen but in doing so the entire screen turned black bar a few horizontal lines on the bottom,
i dont know what has happened to it. does anyone have any ideas, i know i may not be able to remedy it without replacing the lcd but i would like to know what i did wrong,

How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01 7

my guess is that i somehow twisted a ribbon cable too much, i have tried reattaching cables but it doesnt work.
(yes i have tried adjusting the contrast, the only thing that is affected is the white part at the bottom of the screen.)

How To Fix Missing Lines Dmg 01 4