How Much Extra Dmg Does Crit Do Maplestory

But on the other hand, classes that had their total Max Crit increase higher than their total Min Crit increase (I'm looking at you Marksman!) will absolutely love the Min Crit and Max Crit Merge, because this will eliminate the problem of having very unstable Crit Damage. Every time you crit it's 20 to 50% bonus dsmage you do. Crit damage does exactly what it says in the tin. Say you have 10% crit damage, that means you do 30 to 60% more damage if you crit. Is it worth it? If you're a crit heavy class yes since it's more useful than damage%.

So what do you think is better - increasing your chance to crit, your crit damage or just increasing your spell and or weapon power?

Crit chance and crit dmg is the superior dps in all games I have ever played. As fact, no spell power or weapon power maximum in this game can achieve the top damage of a critical hit. For example, if you maxxed out spell power versus someone who maxxed crit chance the numbers would look like this-
MuchSpellpower max 100,100,100,100
Critical max 80,80,160,160,

How Much Extra Dmg Does Crit Do Maplestory Download

Even with someone having 20% less power than you, they can still hit harder than you can ever hit with critical hit chance. The damage could even-out in the long run but the chances of that become more and more improbable the more critical hit chance a player has. This topic has had a lot of arguments over the years, especially in games like diablo,warcraft,etc.

How Much Extra Dmg Does Crit Do Maplestory Make

In WoW, it really depended on which spec you had. If you were an arcane mage, haste and spell power were much better than crit, but for a fire mage, crit reigned supreme.Maplestory

How Much Extra Dmg Does Crit Do Maplestory Make