How Much Defence Is 17 Reduced Dmg In Terraria

Sep 05, 2015 Reduced by defense: 1000-110=890. Reduced by armor set bonus: 890X(1-0.45)=490(round up, not very sure). Reduced by other effects: 490X(1-(0.1+0.17+0.25))=235. Edit, the Paladin's Shield would additionally absorb 25% damage(if one of you teammate equip one) in Mutiplayer, but not sure how this actually work.

Seeing as how there was no page for such a fundamental mechanic, created a stub for it. My main point of interest is the calculation for defense, stemming from the apparent lack of a set bonus when using molten armor. Hydryad 22:26, 27 May 2011 (UTC)

Defense in PvP is calculated like (ATK*2)-(DEF/2) or something. --Cloakedboltz 03:30, 1 June 2011 (UTC)
Defense in PvP is calculated exactly the same. All attack damage is simply doubled. This page seems to unecessarily propose an entire 'formula' (using odd terminology - 'ROUND_UP' is effectively 'Ceiling'), when it's simple enough to state that Damage Reduction is calculated as half of the defense stat, rounded up. The subtitle seems a bit of a waste ><. --HydraRancher 11:42, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

attack damage in PvP is now the normal damage and is not doubled Michelangelo42 (talk) 14:10, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

Damage[edit source]

I think it would be a good addition to this page to have some comparable damage numbers as its relevant when aiming for a certain defense, both in regards to pvp weapons and to enemies.-- 02:49, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

High Defense means use High Damage[edit source]

This isn't necessarily true. If you don't have a strong enough weapon to well overcome the DR of the creature, spamming fast attacks is more efficient. i.e. a 5 pt. throwing weapon with fast attack speed is mediocre compared to a 20 dmg sword if the defense is 10 (1 dmg vs 10), but the higher the defense of the creature, the more likely the faster attack has higher DPS. Some calcs are in order

Current Max Defense[edit source]

At the moment, the highest defense you can reach is 85 which results in 43 damage reduction.

Hallowed Mask 24

Hallowed Plate Mail 15

Hallowed Greaves 11

Obsidian Shield with the 'Warding' reforge 6

Cobalt Shield with the 'Warding' reforge 5

Obsidian Skull with the 'Warding' reforge 5

Shackle with the 'Warding' reforge 5

Moon Charm on a full moon with the 'Warding' reforge 5

Bowl of Soup 1

Ironskin Potion 8

Good choices for the different accessory when it's not a full moon are either of the wings for the maneuverability, The Philosopher's Stone to heal what damage you will be taking, or the Cross Necklace to help reduce damage taken over time if you're getting hit constantly. Also, if you're using all the buffs, and it's not a full moon, it's a good idea to not only replace the Moon Charm, but also one of the '1 defense' accessories. This is because without the Moon Charm, you're left with 84 defense, which is just as effective as 83 defense, so you can afford to drop another accessory. With that thinking, you can also replace the other two '1 defense' accessories to be left with 81 defense total. While this isn't the max, being able to use all the other accessories that I mentioned plus 1 more (I'd suggest then the Band of Regeneration due to the extra health per second) will result in maximum survive-ability. I would however advise against replacing the Obsidian Shield, as the prevention of knock-backs helps immensely.

New max defense as of 1.2[edit source]

The max defense has changed as of the new items in 1.2. I'm not 100% if this is it so I'll post here before changing it

Full turtle armor (65 defense) (Turtle chest and boots, but the Chlorophyte mask? (7 more defense))

Ironskin potion (8 defense)

Well fed buff (1 defense)

Ankh shield (4 defense)

Obsidian shield (2 defense)

Last three accessories are anything that gives 1 defense, i.e. obs skull, cobalt shield, shackle (3 defense)

Warding on all accessories (20 defense)

Grand total of 103 maximum obtainable defense

You forgot the Paladin Shield, defense 6!--EstebanLB (talk) 22:47, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
i don't count buffs, which is hypocritical of me due to the setup i'm about to say. werewolf is +3 defense (at night), moon ring is +4 (at night), paladin shield is +6, ankh shield +4, then an obsidian shield for raw defense reasons. turtle armor's 65 and 5 +4 moded accs = 104 defense total at this point. if counting wellfed and ironskin, that is +9 more... so 113.
frozen turtle shell=+30 defence under 25% hp

I believe on the defense page it tells you and its 171 defense Michelangelo42 (talk) 14:12, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

My calculations came out to a total of max 253 defense, but it requires inventory edit. Beetle armor + shell = 73 Defense. Add 5 Warding frozen turtle shells (34 def each, 170 def total) for a total of 243 defense. Then add Ironskin potion for 8 defense, bringing it to 251, and well fed for 2, coming out to a grand total of 253 defense! Of course you have to be below 25 max hp for it, and you need inventory edit to put on 5 frozen turtle shells at once, but it's still high defense. Jjman740 (talk) 22:57, 4 November 2014 (UTC)

Gi missing[edit source]

I'm not sure if I'm just blind, but the Gi cannot be found on this list and I'm sure it belongs here.If I'm doing this wrong feel free to delete this or whatever.

What is Gi? Michelangelo42 (talk) 14:13, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

Gi <---Click there. Jjman740 (talk) 23:09, 4 November 2014 (UTC)
I took care of it Ferretwings (talk) 20:07, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Defense Calculator[edit source]

Armor Penetration[edit source]

There doesn't really seem to be any documentation in any form on armor penetration. Does it flat out ignore defense? No matter the case, this wiki needs either a page on it, or to have a section in Defense on it. In case your wondering what I'm talking about here are links to the only sources of armor pen in the game (At least that I know of) Sharpened, Shark_Tooth_Necklace. Realbboy888 (talk) 01:31, 7 July 2015 (UTC)

Info on damage reduction percentage[edit source]

We have the math for both regular defense and armor penetrating attacks. But there doesn't appear to be any math on how damage reduction percentages works. The main question is whether the percentage reduction happens before considering your defense or after. That is, is the formula '(attack - (defense * 0.5)) * reduction' or is it '(attack * reduction) - (defense * 0.5)'? Alfonse215 (talk) 17:11, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Remove Armor list from page[edit source]


I would like to remove the armor table from this page, as I find it not very useful, bad formatted, hiding a lot of information, which could be useful and most of all the Armor page contains all the information in a better way. I would leave the defensive Accessories on the page, because these are conveniently placed together here. It is just my opinion, maybe someone finds the information useful here, if so, I would like to know it (and maybe why), else if nobody disagrees, I will remove the part of the table. Flisch42 (talk) 14:14, 12 October 2016 (UTC)

I agree, it's a lot of text that's not even useful, but maybe do as Wikipedia does, and leave a link to the Armor page. Frenchiveruti (talk) 15:07, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
Ping! I took care of it. Diamondcat6746 (talk) 18:44, 4 August 2018 (UTC)

Negative Defense may be possible[edit source]

In Trivia, it says that 'If the player somehow has negative defense, they will constantly take 1 damage, and die with the death message '<playername> couldn't put out the fire'.' Ichor, Weak, and Tipsy reduce defense, but do they give negative defense.

I think this should be mentioned on the page, saying either that 'Tipsy, Weak, and Ichor do not reduce defense past 0' or that they, in fact, do. Diamondcat6746 (talk) 18:20, 4 August 2018 (UTC)

I'm currently testing this and results seems to say that this isn't possible. Tested with tipsy and ichor both active. Murrayzero (talk) 18:32, 4 August 2018 (UTC)
Retrieved from ''

Damage is the amount of health points subtracted from an entity's current health. It can be inflicted by a multitude of entities, most prominently weapons, enemies, and NPCs (and all related projectiles). Furthermore, it can be caused by environmental hazards (such as thorny bushes, traps, or lava) and game mechanics (such as fall damage, drowning, or debuffs). Damage can generally only be inflicted on entities with a health statistic, i.e., players, most enemies, and NPCs. Most damage sources additionally inflict knockback on the damaged entity.

When an entity receives damage, several calculations increasing or decreasing the amount of damage (depending on several factors; see below) are performed before the actual damage is applied to the entity. Therefore, the damage statistic of any damaging entity is usually only the average damage it inflicts. Most hits' damage deviates from this average number.

Damage inflicted by player-wielded weapons is categorized into five different types: melee, ranged, magic, summon, and throwing. Accessories, buffs, and other damage-boosting or damage-decreasing effects often only affect one of these damage types. A few weapons as well as all other damaging entities are not categorized into any of the five types.

  • 1Damage types
  • 2Invincibility Frames and Piercing

Damage types[edit | edit source]

Melee[edit | edit source]

Melee weapons are used in close- to medium-ranged combat. Their defining trait is the fact that they do not consume ammunition or mana upon use. They are roughly categorized into swords, spears, flails, boomerangs, and yoyos. There are several other melee weapons not fitting any of these types.

In total, there are currently 159 unique melee weapons.

Ranged[edit | edit source]

Ranged weapons are used in long-ranged combat. Their defining trait is the requirement of ammunition in order for the weapon to operate. They are roughly categorized into bows, repeaters, guns, and launchers. Note that Terraria classifies boomerangs as melee weapons and consumables as thrown weapons.

In total, there are currently 83 unique ranged weapons.

Magic[edit | edit source]

Magic weapons are used in medium- to long-ranged combat. Their defining trait is the consumption of mana upon every use. Due to their unusual and unique forms of attack, the majority of magic weapons can hardly be categorized into distinct types.

In total, there are currently 68 unique magic weapons.

Summon[edit | edit source]

Summoning weapons do not inflict any damage themselves when used. Instead, using them spawns a secondary character which will aid the player in battle by automatically attacking enemies. The summoned character is either mobile, i.e. following the player around (minion), or stationary, i.e. remaining at the location it was summoned at (sentry).

In total, there are currently 29 unique summon weapons.

Throwing[edit | edit source]

Throwing weapons are used in medium-ranged combat. Their defining trait is the fact that they are generally consumed upon use. They stack in a player's inventory, with one unit being removed from the stack every time it is used to attack, leaving the slot empty when the last has been used. Many throwing weapons have a chance of being retrievable after being used.

In total, there are currently 20 unique throwing weapons.

Throwing is only considered a separate damage type on the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile version. Throwing weapons deal ranged damage instead on the Old-gen console version and version.

Invincibility Frames and Piercing[edit | edit source]

Player Invincibility[edit | edit source]

After being damaged, the player gets a period of time called an 'invincibility frame' during which they cannot be damaged again. By default this is 2/3 of a second (40 ticks[1]), but various equipment can extend this:

  • Use of a Cross Necklace or any of its upgrades will add another 2/3 of a second (40 ticks) after receiving any attack. (The Cross Necklace does not stack with its upgrades.)
  • If a Black Belt (or its upgrade the Master Ninja Gear, but the two do not stack) is worn, a successful dodge (10% chance) will trigger an invincibility frame and add another 2/3 seconds (40 ticks) to it.Verify It also prevents damage from the attack (but not any debuffs associated with it). If combined with the Cross Necklace, this extends the invincibility to a full 2 seconds (120 ticks).
  • Titanium armor similarly provides the Shadow Dodge buff; this is triggered by attacking an enemy, and when active, the next time the player would have taken damage, they instead get 2 seconds (120 ticks) of invincibility. This also stacks with the effects of the Cross Necklace and Black Belt, potentially granting 3 and 1/3 seconds (200 ticks) of invincibility.

Piercing Attacks against Enemies[edit | edit source]

Enemies get a similar but more limited effect from 'piercing' and continuous attacks: Any damage source that can strike an enemy, and then remain able to cause damage afterwards.

After being struck by such an attack, the enemy cannot take damage from another such attack for a brief period, usually 1/6 of a second (10 ticks[1]). Thus, when in lava or when pierced by a persistent weapon such as a Vilethorn, they can take damage at most 6 times a second. However, for multi-segmented enemies (usually worm types), this resistance applies to each segment separately, so such attacks can still strike multiple segments of a single enemy. (Note that worm-type enemies are immune to lava in any case.)

This also applies to almost any missile, beam, or other attack which can pass through an enemy to strike other enemies behind it. This can sharply limit the effects of rapid-fire guns and bows, and those which fire multiple projectiles. Most minions are considered to have piercing attacks, which can also hinder the efficiency of piercing weapons used alongside them. This problem is remarkably present with the Spider and the Stardust Dragon Staves.A few advanced weapons have special behavior:

  • The Last Prism can attack 12 times per second instead of only 6.
  • Luminite Bullets do not cause such invulnerability frames, but do respect them when caused by other attacks.

Calculations[edit | edit source]

The damage that a player-wielded weapon deals upon hit is determined cumulatively:

  • Step 1: Apply weapon modifier
step1 = BaseDamage * (1 + WeaponModifier/100)
  • Step 2: Round to the nearest number
step2 = round(step1)
  • Step 3: Apply all other mods (Armor , Accessories, Accessory Modifier, Buffs) added up
step3 = step2 * [1 + (Head + Chest + Legs + Set bonus)/100 + (Accessory1 + Accessory2 + .. + Accessory5 + AccMod1 + AccMod2 + .. + AccMod5)/100 + (Buff1 + Buff2+ ..)/100]
Note, for ranged weapons the calculation is slightly different, the Arrow/Bullet/Rocket damage is multiplied with other mods (round down after each calculation), so it will be like this:
step3 = (step2 + Arrow/Bullet/Rocket) * [1 + (Head + Chest + Legs + Set bonus)/100 + (Accessory1 + Accessory2 + .. + Accessory5 + AccMod1 + AccMod2 + .. + AccMod5)/100 + (Buff1 + Buff2+ ..)/100]
  • Step 4: Round down
WeaponDamage = roundDown(step3)
  • Step 5: For Bows and Repeaters, the Archery Potion will additionally add 20% damage of them (round down after calculation).
WeaponDamage = roundDown(1.2*step4)

For example, GodlyDao of Pow with Turtle Armor, MenacingWarrior Emblem, Menacing Avenger Emblem, Menacing Destroyer Emblem, Menacing Mechanical Glove and Menacing Celestial Stone equipped, Well Fed active:

step1 = 63 * (1 + 14/100) = 71.82

step2 = round(71.82) = 72

step3 = 72 * [1 + (6+8+0+0)/100 + (15+12+10+12+10+4+4+4+4+4)/100 + (5)/100] = 72 * [1.98] = 142.56

WeaponDamage = roundDown(142.56) = 142

Careful: Only use the modifiers which have an influence on the specific weapon (e.g. don't use magic damage bonus for a melee weapon).

Damage done to an enemy is depending on the enemies defense and whether there is a related banner nearby.

EnemyDamageReduction = roundUp(EnemyDefense * 0.5)


DamageDealtToEnemy = WeaponDamage - EnemyDamageReduction without a banner;
And DamageDealtToEnemy = 1.5*WeaponDamage-EnemyDamageReduction with a banner in normal mode,
Or DamageDealtToEnemy = 2*WeaponDamage-EnemyDamageReduction with a banner in Expert mode,

Damage dealt is always at least 1.

In addition the outgoing damage is modified by a random factor, 0.85~1.15, (but some types of damage, like the Slime Mount, will not be affected by this), The damage is rounded to the nearest whole number. So you can compute the minimal and maximal damage dealt to an enemy with your weapon:

MinDamage = round(WeaponDamage * 0.85 - EnemyDamageReduction)
MaxDamage = round(WeaponDamage * 1.15 - EnemyDamageReduction)

At critical hits you are dealing double damage

CriticalMinDamage = MinDamage * 2
CriticalMaxDamage = MaxDamage * 2

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.01.1A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
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How Much Defence Is 17 Reduced Dmg In Terraria Download

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How Much Defence Is 17 Reduced Dmg In Terraria 4

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