Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Maplestory

Getting 10k legion, becoming level 275, being able to clear Black Mage with a party. Those are what I consider endgame. And I think a lot of people would agree that this is way harder than pre-big bang endgame. Sorry if this post sounded rude, but I'm just really annoyed that people still think current Maplestory is 'easy'.

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Pre Big Bang Maplestory

Improving game play through Stats Manipulation

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Maplestory

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Maplestory 2

Maplestory before big bang
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Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Maplestory Online

edited August 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Suggestion / Ideas to make the game play in Maplestory more variety.
1. Altering Stats.
So far, Maplestory have so many stats that actually can affect the whole game play Experience. The stats I am talking about here is not only STR, DEX, INT or LUK, but also Movement Speed, Jump, Attack Speed, Stat Resistance, Knockback Res, Crit Rate, etc. We can create a Maplestory with more diversity if Maple create a system in game that alter those stats. But Maplestory have forgotten how those stats can actually affect the game play by a lot.
The system, example creating a curse either on boss or grinding/normal monsters map that adds a unremovable curse to players. Such as on certain boss, it gives curse to players -100 movement speed and -80 Jump. Or Attack Speed -4 and KnockBack Resistance -70. It will be very interesting when players getting -100 movement speed while fighting magnus boss. It will bring fighting Magnus to a new bossing experience.
This can also be applied to some grinding map. Some good grinding map will have a stats curse that reduce their stats such as movement speed reduce or even nullified FJ and Tele similar skill. But these map will be giving more exp. When someone arrive at the map, it will mention what curse the map will do to players. This will make players to have more Diverse gear instead of rely and focus solely on damage.
Such as in Magnus, if we get movement speed -100, a players that doesn't have movement speed exceed the max movement speed, will have their movement speed reduced to super slow thus will make it super hard to kill Magnus. On certain map, can add curse that reduce Attack Speed -5. For those classes that has low attack speed, it won't affect much since their attack speed already reach the lowest attack speed. But for certain classes that has max attack speed, getting their attack speed reduced to the bottom, will affect their gameplay by a huge margin.
You can also altering other stats to give more interesting game play experience to players instead just rely on who can deal the highest damage. Furthermore, if necesarry, attack, STR, DEX, INT, LUK, Defense, Buff Duration, Summon Duration and all others stats can also be altered too if it can make the game more interesting.
2. Changing the HP, Damage and Potion System
So far, most bosses deal 1 hit kill. At normal monsters, some classes with low HP might get killed in 3-4 hits while others can survive even 10+ hits. Why not increase player surviveability so they can take , lets say 20-30 hits before dieing, but applying 60 seconds potion cooldown. On some high HP classes, they can survive 40-60 hits. No more boss that can deal 1 hit kill. No more attack based on % HP. But Maplestory, in order to increase the surviveability, either increase the HP, reduce the damage, increase the defense to make so players can survive 20+ hits from bosses , but applying potions cooldown.
All classes will have higher surviveability but will have potions cooldown. So players will have to time their HP left with their potion cooldown so they won't die before they can use the potion to heal. You can also apply this to MP potions. Fighting boss will be more interesting coz some players who have low on HP, would be running away or defending until they can heal their HP back while some others will keep the boss busy targeting them.

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Maplestory 2017



  • Magnus Web already does that, you can move but your speed is very slow.
    Some bosses already have the ability to knock you back even when you have 100% stance. that's why there's skills like Body of Steel/Impenetrable Skin, the warrior 5th job skill.
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    what if your movement speed get reduced by 100 all the time inside magnus?
  • Reactions: 1,180
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    what if your movement speed get reduced by 100 all the time inside magnus?
  • well flash jump and teleprt still work in there, also the rush skills. more of an annoyance than a challenge, especially if bosses move around a lot.
  • Suggestion / Ideas to make the game play in Maplestory more variety.
    1. Altering Stats.
    So far, Maplestory have so many stats that actually can affect the whole game play Experience. The stats I am talking about here is not only STR, DEX, INT or LUK, but also Movement Speed, Jump, Attack Speed, Stat Resistance, Knockback Res, Crit Rate, etc. We can create a Maplestory with more diversity if Maple create a system in game that alter those stats. But Maplestory have forgotten how those stats can actually affect the game play by a lot.
    The system, example creating a curse either on boss or grinding/normal monsters map that adds a unremovable curse to players. Such as on certain boss, it gives curse to players -100 movement speed and -80 Jump. Or Attack Speed -4 and KnockBack Resistance -70. It will be very interesting when players getting -100 movement speed while fighting magnus boss. It will bring fighting Magnus to a new bossing experience.
    This can also be applied to some grinding map. Some good grinding map will have a stats curse that reduce their stats such as movement speed reduce or even nullified FJ and Tele similar skill. But these map will be giving more exp. When someone arrive at the map, it will mention what curse the map will do to players. This will make players to have more Diverse gear instead of rely and focus solely on damage.
    Such as in Magnus, if we get movement speed -100, a players that doesn't have movement speed exceed the max movement speed, will have their movement speed reduced to super slow thus will make it super hard to kill Magnus. On certain map, can add curse that reduce Attack Speed -5. For those classes that has low attack speed, it won't affect much since their attack speed already reach the lowest attack speed. But for certain classes that has max attack speed, getting their attack speed reduced to the bottom, will affect their gameplay by a huge margin.
    You can also altering other stats to give more interesting game play experience to players instead just rely on who can deal the highest damage. Furthermore, if necesarry, attack, STR, DEX, INT, LUK, Defense, Buff Duration, Summon Duration and all others stats can also be altered too if it can make the game more interesting.
    2. Changing the HP, Damage and Potion System
    So far, most bosses deal 1 hit kill. At normal monsters, some classes with low HP might get killed in 3-4 hits while others can survive even 10+ hits. Why not increase player surviveability so they can take , lets say 20-30 hits before dieing, but applying 60 seconds potion cooldown. On some high HP classes, they can survive 40-60 hits. No more boss that can deal 1 hit kill. No more attack based on % HP. But Maplestory, in order to increase the surviveability, either increase the HP, reduce the damage, increase the defense to make so players can survive 20+ hits from bosses , but applying potions cooldown.
    All classes will have higher surviveability but will have potions cooldown. So players will have to time their HP left with their potion cooldown so they won't die before they can use the potion to heal. You can also apply this to MP potions. Fighting boss will be more interesting coz some players who have low on HP, would be running away or defending until they can heal their HP back while some others will keep the boss busy targeting them.

    I personally would not want combat to be slowed paced even if it increased EXP or other rewards. I am not a fan of having your character crippled to have slower movement. So far, KMS has been designing bosses to require dodging, agility and control aside from DPS. Even while being immobile, bosses would not be a challenge if the person one shots it. And I don't think grinding like it were a jump quest with FJ and teleport disabled would make training more fun, but will just bore us.
    For HP, the idea of having more durability in exchange for a potion cooldown seems balanced, but after looking again at combat and movement being slowed, it would make Maple more boring. If you have Power Elixirs and other effective potions and keep an eye on your health, death should not be a problem regardless of character durability. Maplestory is fast-paced since almost all classes have a Flash Jump or teleport and they burst damage or deal huge single numbers like Angelic Buster. Having combat and movement be slowed down and making classes able to take a beating would make the game feel like playing a perma-beginner but tankier which is not an exciting experience.
    The play experience would be a lot more fun if it favored 'thrill seekers' such as having fields that require precise platforming to maneuver or having really relentless mobs (like Africanized Killer Bees) that chase you deal more damage while being more resistant to player damage.
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    The Idea is not to make it slow pace. But on every map to apply different situation and condition. Some maps will have curse that slow movement, while some others might have FJ/Tele disabled. Some other maps will reduce our jump or might cut our HP to half. And possible, some map will just stay normal without any curses at all. It will create a unique traits on everymap.
    Some classes that relies heavily on FJ/Tele will not go to mape with FJ/Tele curse. Some classes that have low HP might not go to map that cuts max HP by 50%. Some classes that have haste or high movement speed, might go to map with movement curse, while some that has low movement speed might avoid the this kind of map.
    In Result, every class will have their own best map either on grinding or farming. And it also different on gear build, if the map have movement curse, but if someone have movement speed gear, the movement curse might not effect much. Each map might have/apply different curse.
    And i have just thinking about it, some maps might even apply boost, example damage +10%, crit +10% or any other boost. Or can apply both curses and boost at the same time. Not like the current maps where there are only 1 or 2 maps that fills up with 99% of players/classes, while other maps are empty. With the application of curses and boost, it will spread players to grind/farming on different maps. And thus creating a more interesting experience on grinding.
    About the potion cooldown, it can affect a lot more vareity on game plays. Example, because there is potions cooldown, classes with HP heal or can heal party will have more role. Thus the healing will need to be adjusted so it won;t be too overpower that makes players can't die on bossing. But on the other side, it will boost the party surviveability. Defense will also have a better role. Because the less the damage taken by players, the higher the player can survive on boss battle.
    Using this systems, players will not getting 1 hit kill. But they will need to improve a lot of things to increase their surviveability such as HP, defense, character skill, party skill, character movement skill, movement speed, and much more.
    Not like the current system, where HP and defense play almost no role at bossing. Coz you get 1 hit or 2 hits kill no matter what your defense or HP. Even healing can be considered almost useless. Who nowadays asking for your HP or defense when they are recruting for boss such as Hard magnus, Damien, Lotus, Lucid or Will. Maplestory is wasting too many stats. So many stats that is useless, especially on the end game Why not just delete all those things if they are almost useless na have almost no effect.
    Similar to how stupid Maplestory have given stats every level up and given a player a freedom to choose to put it on either one of the stats. Who plays Thief class and would put their stats on INT, STR or DEX? What plays Mages and would put their stats into STR, LUK, or DEX.That is just stupid. and HP plays almost no role, 99,99% players would just add it to their main stats. Then why not just apply it automatically to main stats instead wasting our time to click because it doesn't make a difference or almost no effect at all.
    One of the things that made Maplestory so good a long time ago is the unqiue experience and lots of variety. Poeple can become STR or LUK Bandit. Some chosen to be Dexless Assasin while others become regular Assasin. Some people making a HP Pure DarkKnight, some balance Dark Knight while some others become a heavily DPS Dark Knight. There were a lot of unique experience and unique class build that makes the game so interesting.
    But right now, we have lost those experiences where stats plays almost no role anymore. All you want is adding attack and attack. Adding more Main stats as many as you can. For one purpose which is to increase your damage.
    Who nowadays party with Bishop because they can heal? Who care about Hyper body that can heal HP? But if this idea is applied, Maple also need to think whether they should remove potions that heal base on % HP and MP. They can keep it or remove itwith adding more potions that heal more HP.
    About the thrill seeker, the curse doesn;t apply the same on everything. Some maps will have different kinds of curses, and some bosses mode, will have different curses too.
  • Don't bosses already some of these things? Hmag: lose hp if youre outside the barrier > potion cooldown > web to slow you down > gas to stun/bind> super knockback > one hit ko attacks > falling meteors you have to navigate
  • If we could make pre existing bosses harder, or release a harder version (CRA Intense Mode)
    Intense Crimson Queen- On Intense Mode, the Queen can wear a mask that permanently hides her facial expression. She would also have no text cues on which emotion she is on. Also, she can perform any of her moves at any time since she is basically hiding her face.
    Intense Pierre- IDK how to make him harder
    Intense Von Bon- Needs thinking
    Intense Vellum- Hitting a tail would trigger a strong counterattack that can OHKO.
  • Just......terrible idea. A lot of these suggestions are just annoyances that we don't need. I don't get the obssession with making bosses harder than it is, there's already hlomien and lucid/will for those who want a challenge.
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    @ShadEight. Hlomien and lucid is not a harder challenge. It is just a matter of damage. If you can have the damage, Then you can kill Hlomien/Lucid/Will. They are simply the same boss with higher HP
    It is not to make the boss harder. But it is to create a variety. So player doesn't only focus on how to get more and more damage. But they also have to consider other stats such as movement speed, attack speed, etc. It will lead to different build. Some players might increase their movement speed so they can survive better. But some others might not care because it doesn't really affect them
  • @ShadEight. Hlomien and lucid is not a harder challenge. It is just a matter of damage. If you can have the damage, Then you can kill Hlomien/Lucid/Will. They are simply the same boss with higher HP
    It is not to make the boss harder. But it is to create a variety. So player doesn't only focus on how to get more and more damage. But they also have to consider other stats such as movement speed, attack speed, etc. It will lead to different build. Some players might increase their movement speed so they can survive better. But some others might not care because it doesn't really affect them

    This idea seems so flawed. Even without standing, I could easily fry Hard Magnus in a matter of seconds. Your stat variety isn't making the game more skill dependent, but makes bosses a burden. I will hate to have all my boss runs cursed and there seems to be no extra reward for it.
    Crippling us in Magnus will make the boss unbeatable unless he comes to you and you close enough to hit him. Reducing our attack speed in bosses will make EVERYONE slow. Most of our passives already make us hit the speed and jump cap (I don't know the specifics on Attack Speed.)
    If we had this system in GMS, the devs would have an extremely hard tough time designing content for us because we are crippled to make GMS 'more challenging' when it is actually making the game slow paced.
    We are no longer in the pre-Big Bang era and the days of slow grinding and attacking are most likely never going to return. Update Tempest already eliminated the need to use secondary stats on equips. Magnus became the first boss with attacks that don't miss and hit a percentage of your HP instead of a fixed number you can reduce. Following this trend, KMS wants to make skills and movement flashier in battles and have bosses be fast paced and more difficult where any attacks landed by the boss will be your last (with an occasional attack that does <90% so you can sip an Elixir but be sure not to get hit again.)
    But do not despair yet, I've thought of a combat system that utilizes weapons and stats that your class doesn't wield.
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    It is not crippled.. This is a unique system to make the game more diverse. Not simply like the current system, who bother with movement speed potential or jump potential. They are just garbage potential without any use at the moment.
    It is not to make it slow paced. But it is making a diverse Maplestory where players doesn't only rely on damage solely. But a game where all stats matters. at least 50% stats affect players. Not like the current system right now, who even cares about movement speed or jump on bosses. Especially this is 2 Dimension game, which actaully movememnt speed or jump or some stats can make a huge effect on the game.
    But because Maplestory system that focus heavily on damage, it lost what 2 Dimension game uniqueness actually is. It becomes the same as 3 Dimension game that relies heavily on damage. Maplestory just need to rbings out those uniqueness of 2D games that none of 3D games can have.
    Example if on a certain boss, if it applies movement speed -40, players have 2 choices, either to go for max damage so they can kill faster, get some of their equips with around 40 movement speed so their movement speed can stay on the max movement speed or they balance it between movement speed and damage. For Rogue class, they already have a hig movememnt speed. For some players who think they can beat the boss with low movememnt speed, then they can go for damage.
    Yes. For bosses, if you have high damage, you can just burst the boss to death in matter seconds. But if you have just average damage, or fighting harder bosses, such as Will boss, getting attack speed reduce by 1 or 2 or getting Knockback resistance -30, might change the whole game set up.
    It is not about BigBang or not. But it is about how Maplestory can have more freedom and diversity instead of just a simple stats. Rogue will always go for LUK. Warrior for STR. and so the other classes will mostly focus on their own main stats.
    And you also mentioned about Magnus boss the first to never miss? It is also a broken system that makes Dodge stats become useless. A cripple system that nullifies a trait that supposedly unique to rogue class, into nothingness. Because of percentage HP damage, it makes some classes lose their unique traits. Demon Avenger who supposedly have high HP, becomes crippled on bosses coz HP is useless.
    That is actually a good idea to have classes a path to wield more than 1 weapon. But have to think carefully on a lot of aspect on this. But it surely will create a more unqiue path that can brings out uniqueness and freedom to Maplestory.
    This is what I want to criticise Maplestory the most, what they have lost, The feeling of Adventurer. Nowadays all path is set. No more diversity. No more adventure. All classes becomes similar one to each other, no more freedom to build our class.
    They delete hidden map. One of the greatest Maplestory system / Feature that makes our blood thrill when we finds a really good hidden map that not everyone's knows of. Some maps are hidden. Some bosses are hidden, not everything being laid out on a story mode. I am not talking about those hidden instance map. But a hidden map where all players can go in and still meet others, but it doesn't show on the map.
    When you travel on ship, Balrog will spawn that will make some players hide thenselves inside the ship or go out and face the Balrog. We can and have to go out there and adventure. We can rely on others guide or just simply go out there ourself and find the freedom in Maplestory.
    I am not asking to change back to old maplestory or become the same as the old maplestory. Let the old be a history for us to learn. But I am mentioning a unique traits of Maplestory that have been lost and gets maplestory to its downhill.
    It is the time to brings out Maplestory uniqueness compare to all other games, either 2D or 3D games. If we try to be similar, this game will die. Be Different none of the other games can copy
    That is my suggestion. Don't need to be similar to the old Maplestory, but you can create a more interesting new brand Maplestory that offer players a freedom and adventurer path.
    A more thrilling Role Playing Game, we make our own Role play. We make our own path. We make our own story. Not just simply following the maplestory path that the Maplestory have set for us, but we can go reach our freedom and be what we want. We decide our role play.
    We decide whom we want to be. I decide my own role play, not GM's, not Nexon, noone will. We are not reading some manga story here, but we create our own story. That is what maplestory I love the most.
  • It is just a matter of damage. If you can have the damage, Then you can kill Hlomien/Lucid/Will.

    This is absolutely false.
  • Ok so, what about those that don't have the damage and now they would have to factor these variables into the mix? Some players have just enough damage to finish within time limit ( seconds to spare) or they finish the boss with 1-2 lives left on the death count.
  • I have a lot doubt that this system will be in the game since all it has been described as is an unavoidable feature added to bosses by default. The path to obtaining the pots to counteract the curse drop from the bosses you cursed. Boss these days don't have an 'or' and require full damage gear with movement the way it has been.
    And you also mentioned about Magnus boss the first to never miss? It is also a broken system that makes Dodge stats become useless. A cripple system that nullifies a trait that supposedly unique to rogue class, into nothingness. Because of percentage HP damage, it makes some classes lose their unique traits. Demon Avenger who supposedly have high HP, becomes crippled on bosses coz HP is useless.

    Speed and jump are pretty much the same now across all characters with their passives. Magnus was starting the trend of boss relying of being completely clear of the boss's attack. Pretty much all boss mechanics involve Max HP percentage-based damage and jumping around.
    GMS will be hardest game for the devs to implement since you are placing burdens on bosses just to make it more exciting and at the same time making it harder with no rewards. There is no 'average' damage that you can use to challenge Will. We cannot sacrifice some of our damage potentials for movement potentials or have any balance since the boss was designed for high DPS and players who have sharp reflexes.
    So far, how Maplestory has evolved is as follows:
    • Simplified stats and removed secondary stat requirements on classes
    • Magnus, the first boss to ignore avoidability and do damage proportional to your HP
    • More bosses that rely on pure dodging like Magnus
    • Skills becoming flashier, stronger, faster
    • Adding Flash jumps to 90% of classes
    • Removing avoid and accuracy stats and simplifying MAG and Weapon Defense to DEFENSE
    • Changed accuracy reduction to damage reduction when hunting mobs way above your level

    I cannot support your idea since it is not going to be a popular opinion and we will the weakest Maplestory version because of you thinking crippling us will make things interesting when in reality, makes bosses harder or even impossible.
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    What i meant, right now if you ask all players, on lucid, hlomien, what matters most is damage. If you have damage, even hard lucid is easy. You don;t need to build other stats. that is what i meant.
    @ Dark Passenger
    Obviously, if they apply the suggestion i made, they have to make a changes on the bosses HP. They have to reduce the boss HP if they apply this suggestion. Example reduce boss HP by 30% but apply movement speed curse. This idea is not about making the boss harder or to make it almost impossible to kill.
    That is why i suggest for changes. Most classes now are similar. There is no more uniqueness for each class. Most thing that matters now is damage. Or how good is the class DPS. Everything is about damage and damage. or how OP is the class on terms of damage. And further more, now with Decent HB, SE and SI, decent HS, it becomes even simpler.
    My suggestion, Maple should stop making everything way too simple. I am not asking to make it too complicated. But think of a way so players can have a vareity of ways so we can have a freedom to build our own unique traits/build on our class, instead of just following what the game have set.
    Let Maplestory be a game that offer an open adventure and exploration in game. Not like right now, we must do what the game have set for us. There is no more excitement in game. Coz all the things you (Maplestory) think brings excitement to players, is no more excitement. It is all boring. It is only in your mind. Maplestory have long lost the real adventure and real excitement. We just follow what the Developer have set for us.
    Yes, no more secondary stats. And i don't agree with this. MMORPG especially maplestory supposedly to be a wide open game which offer exploration, challenge and unique adventure plus excitement. But now, we are losing it day by day. Maplestory went way too much on simplify things. There are no more adventure in game. There are nothing to explore anymore. Everything is set. You just have to follow what maplestory have set. In short, boring.
    My idea won't be a popular idea anymore coz most of maplestory players have quit. This game have become so boring. No More adventure. No more things to explore. Everything is set. So that 'Adventure' thing in maplestory is fake. It is no real adventure. coz you only do what is set by maplestory. We simply just read a manga here. We just do what the writer have written for us. No More Exploration. No More real adventure. All is fake adventure. Boring.
    It depends on the point of view. For me it is a improvement. Which offer a lot diversity toward stats instead of 1 stat matters only, damage. If they do apply this diversity suggestion, of course they have to alter some things such as boss HP reduce or increase on the boss time limit. This will make the boss still possible to kill but still offer a diversity toward game play.
    Another suggestion, you can just remove the boss time limit. Let players who want to solo Lucid for 5 hours have their chance. Allow freedom for players to make party of 6 to kill Will boss in 5 hours. or can just set all bosses limit to 4-5 hours. That is to make sure so players doesn't kill themselves playing too long. If they have damage, they can kill it in 30 mins of course. But if they don;t have damage, they are allowed to try to kill it for long hours. That will be a unqiue experience and adventure. Instead like current system, you are setting everything up. Limiting everything. Let players choose, want to kill boss within short time or go get more players/ stronger players to kill the boss. Want to solo the boss for your own personal /excitement, you have the option to solo long hours.
  • I really like bosses the way they are now to be honest. The most fun I've had in maple is practicing some bosses many times before finally getting that kill. especially some of the harder ones. My first Hmag and Cvel kills were so satisfying. Now working on damien and lotus and I'm very much looking forward to getting my first solo kill on them.
    First of all, increasing your damage (range, boss, ied, main stat(s), crit rate, crit dmg) is not easy. It takes a lot of time and effort. Secondly, your damage is not everything. You HAVE to learn the boss mechanics. I've met people with 7-10 mill clean range who can not kill any of the CRA bosses, simply because they're just flailing about and keep dying over and over. They probably spend a load of nx improving their character and figured they can just destroy bosses easily. They were wrong. Character control and knowing boss mechanics are important and i enjoy that a lot. I know of many others who feel the same way.
    Most of the maps being bad and unused is just poor design. Adding curses and buffs to some of them won't fix that. It will also make some prequests more annoying than they already are.
    Exploration and adventure in a game gets boring quick(er). It can be fun at first, but at some point you've seen it all and then what? Trying to improve your range and fighting harder and scarier bosses keeps people interested in the game longer. It's as simple as that.
    Every class is not the same. What's generally the same is the way you build your character. Playstyle is very different because of the variety and difference in skills. Even flash jumps and teleports are different for a lot of classes. If you want build variety i would suggest you try a game called Path of Exile. Endgame maps in this game are always randomized-ish so there is your exploration for you as well.
    Increasing the boss time limits to several hours (except von bon of course) is something i might support. Horntail already has a time limit of 2 hours and 30 min for some reason, so why not the others. Could be fun to see how far people can take it with the lowest range possible. I would definitely get my first damien kill if i had like half an hour more time.
    Only potential problem i see with this idea is a some people not caring about improving their damage anymore since they can beat some of the stronger bosses anyways, even if it takes them forever. Less people trying to get stronger = less money for nexon unfortunately. Maybe if they removed the pay to win aspect of the game..
    Anyways, just my 2 cents. Feel free to ignore, disagree or point out any mistakes i might have made