Bdo Is Dot Bleed Dmg Good For Pve

So, id like to know what other people who have tried bleed builds (particularly on the PTS but just in general) feel about this.
Bleeds are clearly really good in PVP, pretty much off the table for PVE, but even for PVP where it shines, it feels underwhelming or messy.

Jul 08, 2019  Twin Blade and Blunt passive buffed total bleed damage by 24%, this applies to 2H axes too. You should be able to stack the bleed from DW and 2H, 1H axe front bar + Dagger and 2H axe back bar may be BiS here. Carve sees slight reduction in 9% less dot damage which is fine after it was buffed by 25% direct dmg and 50% dot dmg last patch. Jun 20, 2019  Will of the Wind All Attack Speed +7% for 5 sec. For self All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. For self Blasting Gust PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. For self All Accuracy +3% for 12 sec. For self Inflicts 45 Pain Damage per 3 sec for 12 sec. For target Vine Knot PVP Attack +10 for 5. Jun 22, 2018 This is how the wizard 250 ap dmg is right now. They said they will fix it next week and it has to do with accuracy.

I think part of this is to do with a lot of random pieces and that nothing is like a true main bleed.
I've main'd feral for years in WOW, which after years of ESO drove me to try a bleed build here, and on feral I feel there are really only two bleeds;
  1. A less powerful dot that is simply kept up (Maybe with a bloodtallons proc buff - think Maelstrom duelweild but slower to get the buffs so you cant spend them on everything) - I like to think this is like the DW second ability that bleeds
  2. A big hitter that lasts longer and you need to prep with combo points before using. (Kinda like rend, the DW ultimate, but where you are capable of keeping it 100% uptime if you time things well enough)

There are a couple other bleeds, but they do almost nothing. The key playstyle, and balance (when bleeds arent relegated to almost-useless status) are focused on just these two.
I feel like the Axe bleeds only serve to be RNG-heavy elements in a bleed playstyle that only serve to make the build both less consistent and also slightly more annoying to play against in PVP. Id rather have more controlled bleeds that are easier to keep in check but hit harder. I also run pillars of nirn, having tried BloodDrinker + Deadly Strikes and found it gives much less ST dps. This is a real shame as it seems the only viable build is stacking more RNG bleed dots rather than maintaining big dots. I feel like the play-style would be more rewarding with good uptime maintenance rather than buffing the *** out of a single dot or hoping a bunch of RNG dots proc.Bdo is dot bleed dmg good for pve freePve
Im not calling for a rework, just observing that I think a lot more could be done with a mind specifically for people who wanted to play with bleeds. Changes could both make them more viable in PVE and easier to balance in PVP. I think there could be a lot cooler stuff done with this.

Bdo Is Dot Bleed Dmg Good For Pve Build

But mostly I wanted to hear what other people where feeling about their bleed builds.

Bdo Is Dot Bleed Dmg Good For Pve 3

DW/2H had the issue of not enough available and strong dots to be considered viable in pve where dots are supreme, deadly cloak was a utility skill, carve and twin slashes (bleed damage) were balanced with lower coefficient dot damage due to the ability to pass mitigation, in pve you build to reach pen cap anyway.
I think the most viable would be DW front bar, 2H back bar, mostly because DW has stronger front bar passives and 2H can be utilized like Bow as Infused WPD enchant.
I’ve highlighted the main changes I think can make this setup viable, keep in mind, bleeds not passing mitigation is a non issue in pve when you build to fully penetrate bosses anyway.
Deadly Cloak lasts 8s, ticks every 1s instead of 3s. Slightly reduced cost and damage.
Twin Slashes deals 37% more dot damage.
Twin Blade and Blunt passive buffed total bleed damage by 24%, this applies to 2H axes too. You should be able to stack the bleed from DW and 2H, 1H axe front bar + Dagger and 2H axe back bar may be BiS here.
Carve sees slight reduction in 9% less dot damage which is fine after it was buffed by 25% direct dmg and 50% dot dmg last patch.
2H Stampede was changed to cause a ground dot, this means it may proc enchants the same way Bow’s Volley does for 100% WPD enchant uptime.
VMA 2H buffed with an additional tick, I assume it still lasts 5s, but a tick was added at the 0s mark, total dmg increased by 20%. They noted this procs and refreshes off every tick from the new Stampede aoe. This may be a strong back bar replacement for a VMA Bow, especially since Volley was nerfed a little, however PI looks to be more consistent with it’s dot from 0-100% hp.
If you still have space for a dot, Soul Trap seems to be a viable option for a single target dot now.
I have yet to test this, I doubt it will be stronger than a DW/BOW setup, but that doesn't mean it's not viable to use for fun and it looks stronger than it's ever been in the past. Remember how it took 4+ years for bow/bow builds to be brought in line with ranged pve dps, so the fact that this is showing hope just open more build variety that I'm excited to see ZOS explore.