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Aug 10, 2016 I took an unranked Atterax whip and an unranked pair of Ankyros gauntlets to Tikoloshe, Sedna today over a span of multiple missions. I was MR 14 at the time, so I was able to put some mods on the two of them when they were unranked, but I still had issues stealth killing Heavy Gunners and Bombar. Oct 27, 2012 Guide to Which Damage Range to Use With Which Classes Some information may still need pending. Table of Contents: Use the ctrl+f function and type the letters in the brackets to quickly loca. Nov 16, 2016 Then you have all the active and passive abilities that can be had at low levels. You can max out wood elf abilities by level 40, and you can almost max out class abilities, weapon/armor abilities, etc. By level 39-42. The point is if I'm at CP49, I don't feel much of an advantage over someone at level 39-42 or so.

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This is Scaling in action. At lower levels, the game scales you up. As you gain levels, and skills and the ability to make or use better armor and weapons, the scaling contribution reduces.
The reason you are still being scaled is you are not CP160 yet.

If a CP20 player uses a CP20 dagger, he or she will deal more damage than I do at CP41 using the very same CP20 dagger?Aqw All Weapoins That Give A Dmg Boost
I understand higher level players have better abilities available to them, but sometimes they don't. For instance, once you obtain CP10 provisioning recipes, you have to wait till CP50 to get the next higher recipes, because there are no recipes for CP20, 30, or 40. Same way with alchemy: potion solvents are available for CP10, 50, 100, 150 only. If you are stuck in between those levels, you have to wait up to 40 or 50 levels to get the next better material. Enchanting is better, tho. There are runestones available for CP10, 30, 50, 70, etc., so you don't have to wait too long in between levels.

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Then you have all the active and passive abilities that can be had at low levels. You can max out wood elf abilities by level 40, and you can almost max out class abilities, weapon/armor abilities, etc. by level 39-42. The point is if I'm at CP49, I don't feel much of an advantage over someone at level 39-42 or so. And I believe abilities are part of the scaling up and scaling down. So the only thing that separates me from lower-level players are the champion points. But at CP41, I don't feel I have enough of those to make a difference.